노란우산공제 가입조건 Conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

Let’s take a look at the conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction, a system that all businesses must use.

The Yellow Umbrella Deduction is a social protection safety net for businesses that supports the emergency fund reserve system, that is, income deduction.

It is a system that provides an opportunity to stabilize life and promote business revival in the event of business closure, retirement, or illness.

Subject to the conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

노란우산공제 가입조건

Card sales and tax invoice issuance
Franchise stores, hospitals/pharmacy or
running the catering industry

Small businesses, freelancers, instructors,
It is possible for small business operators such as insurance solicitors. 노란우산공제 가입조건

Immediately after starting a business, even a single business owner can join, 좋은뉴스
Rental business, corporate business, general/individual business,

Corporate business, joint business, etc.

It is subject to the conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction.

BUT!! Under the conditions of joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

Excluded are

Non-profit corporation business, martial arts, entertainment,

There are taverns such as gambling houses.

The amount to be paid at the time of joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

From 5,000 won to a maximum of 100,000 won per month

Set up in units of 10,000 won and use the savings method

It is possible to make a payment and decrease/increase both.

The 5 main support conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction are:
Income deduction of up to KRW 5 million from 2017

It becomes a tax-saving strategy with benefits,

Annual compound interest on the full amount paid

Raise money by applying

Full payment protection from foreclosure;

Business accident insurance

Full support for 2 years
Up to 150 times the monthly payment in case of disability

Warranty is possible.

There are low-interest loans with no guarantees.

Within 10 years of joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

If you cancel mid-term,
Because there are income deduction benefits and loss of principal
Please be aware of this as well.

When you meet the conditions for joining the Yellow Umbrella Deduction

If you use the website or app
Self-verification with an accredited certificate-by checking the information of the National Tax Service
Non-face-to-face, paperless registration is possible.