당근마켓 동네인증 Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification

Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication and Area Change Method.

Hello, this is gapsoo from the gapsoo life blog. Today is information about Carrot Market, a neighborhood-based application that gives our little happiness. The biggest feature of the carrot market is that it is based on a neighborhood. It is a used market application that authenticates the neighborhood in which you live or moves and buys and sells things in it. Let’s take a look at the carrot market neighborhood authentication and region change method, which gives us the happiness of small transactions, and other information.

당근마켓 동네인증

Related article: 2020/05/12 – [IT/Application] – Two methods of carrot market pc version and neighborhood authentication 당근마켓 동네인증

Carrot Market PC version 2 methods and neighborhood authentication 좋은뉴스

Carrot Market PC version 2 methods and neighborhood authentication. Hello, this is gapsoo from the gapsoo life blog. Today’s post after a long time is about two ways to use the carrot market in the PC version. together with the neighborhood


Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification Tips.
Carrot Market Neighborhood Certification.

How to change the carrot market area.



Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Method.

How to change region.

How to register in other regions.


Carrot Market Neighborhood Authentication Method.
The carrot market neighborhood authentication method is very simple. You can register at least one to two, and usually the place where readers live is authenticated as the first neighborhood, and the second is set near the workplace, parents’ house, etc. When performing neighborhood authentication, you must be in the appropriate place, and GPS must be captured in that area to enable neighborhood authentication. And periodically, as far as I know, if there is no transaction or activity, the neighborhood authentication is renewed and you have to certify the neighborhood again.

In my case, it is set to Byeolnae-dong and Itaewon, but it is possible to set not only my neighborhood but also about 60 nearby neighborhoods. Recently, I rarely go to Byeolnae-dong and there are no deals, so I’m going to try setting it up in a different neighborhood. In the next table of contents, we will look at how to change the region of the carrot market.


How to change the carrot market area.
How to change the carrot market area. Once installed, activate the first screen of the Carrot Market app.


If you look, you will see a list called My Carrots in the lower right corner. Touch the corresponding list. Then touch My Neighborhood Settings.



Carrot Market Select the neighborhood you want to change and delete it. When asked if you want to delete the selected region, click the Delete button to proceed to the next step.



If you press the erased place again to search for and select the desired neighborhood and set the settings, the area change of the carrot market is completed.


Now, finally, let’s look at how to register more than 2 places, which is a good tip for local authentication at the carrot market. First of all, these methods are not really recommended. Carrot Market means that it is near you, so I think it is right to use the app according to the purpose of the application.


Carrot Market Local authentication method in other regions.
First, what is the reason for certifying the carrot market in other regions? The reason is that as the popularity of the carrot market increases, the needs of users are diversified and many transactions are made. In some neighborhoods, even luxury goods are really cheap, but in other neighborhoods, if you want to make a good profit or buy expensive items at a low price, isn’t the second reason why you want to use neighborhood authentication a little more widely? I think personally. Then, moving on to the main topic, there is a way to register two or more places using an app that can edit the location. This is a method of transacting goods by receiving neighborhood authentication from my current location to another area where you want to trade through the app. However, this method may cause problems such as virus and cell phone infection due to bad applications. I don’t recommend it, just think, “There is a way like this”.


Then, the second method is to talk with a person in the area where you want to make a transaction, log in with the reader’s ID and password, and then receive a local authentication. For example, a person living in Gangnam gives an ID and password to a person in Yongsan, logs in in that area, and receives neighborhood authentication in Yongsan. Currently, this method is the most used. But this method also has to be done if there is something you really want, right? ID and password are important. Or, we recommend that you ask a family member or acquaintance who lives in the area. It seems to be safer than traders. Again, the purpose of Carrot Market is to trade used goods in the neighborhood. I think we’ve all used it correctly for the purpose of the app.


So far, I have written down other information such as regional change in relation to the carrot market neighborhood certification. thank you