카카오톡 고객센터 Kakao Talk Customer Center

Let’s find out if there is an equivalent method and phone number for the Kakao Talk customer center.

Those of you reading this may be looking for a phone number for Kakao Talk customer center phone consultation or looking for a consultation method.

First, let’s find out what you’re most curious about.

What is the Kakao Talk Customer Center phone number?

Kakao Talk Customer Center does not conduct phone consultations.

KakaoTalk only conducts chat and bulletin board consultations.

카카오톡 고객센터

There is no public phone number.

Search KakaoTalk on the portal and access the website 카카오톡 고객센터

If you click Kakao → Directions, the phone number of the Kakao Talk customer center is listed as 1577-3754.

DAUM  Search 좋은뉴스

However, only a guide on how to use KakaoTalk is provided, and phone consultations cannot be conducted.

I called directly to see if a phone consultation was possible.

Call my cell phone KakaoTalk

A guide message appears.

If you press 1, a message appears stating how to consult through KakaoTalk.

Then, you are asked to enter your phone number, and you will receive a message like the picture below through KakaoTalk.

kakaotalk message

After the first instruction

Notice #2 appears… This is a consultation guide for those who cannot use KakaoTalk chatting because they have not signed up for KakaoTalk and have not been able to use KakaoTalk.

Again, even if you press 2, phone consultation is not possible, and the website guides you on how to write an inquiry.

Those who have read this far know that even if you press the Kakao Talk customer center phone number, it is impossible to get a phone consultation.

So, let’s find out how to contact the Kakao Talk customer center.

Inquiries and consultations in the mobile KakaoTalk app

1. Click the gear-shaped settings menu in the upper right corner of the Kakao Talk More page.

Mobile Kakao Talk

2. Click Customer Center/Help at the bottom of the Settings page.


3. Click Contact Us at the top of the Customer Center page.


Contact Us Bulletin Board Consultation

4. Moved to the inquiry page.

Click Inquiry first among the two methods of Inquiry and Chatbot Consultation.


5. On the Inquiry page, select the type of inquiry, fill in the details, and click Submit Inquiry at the bottom to complete.


Responses to KakaoTalk consultation inquiries will be delivered to the email address provided.

Use of chatbot consultation

6. This time, I will click Kakao Talk Chatbot Consultation.

In chatbot consultation, a robot, not an agent, provides consultation to the KakaoTalk customer center.


7. Then, the Kakao Customer Center chat window appears, and enter your inquiry in the Send message to chatbot field at the bottom.


Since you are not an actual Kakao Talk customer center agent, you need to enter it briefly so that the robot can understand it.

8. Enter the details of your inquiry in the chat window and click the send button.


9. Then, answers to my questions appear in the chat window.

Flick the chat window to the right to find the right answer.


Contact the Kakao Talk customer center agent directly

This time, we will learn how to contact an actual Kakao Talk customer center agent rather than a chatbot.

First, you need to enter the Kakao Customer Center chat window.

I’ll try to do it in a different way than the one mentioned above.

1. Click the magnifying glass on the KakaoTalk chat page.


2. If you enter Kakao Customer Center in the search bar, a channel will appear below, and click Kakao Customer Center.


3. On the Kakao Customer Center page, click Agent Chat.


4. Hold the lower photo mark and lift it up.


5. Then, a list of options to choose from appears. Double-click on Connect with a counselor.


6. Now, enter your inquiry in the chat window.

You can then chat with a KakaoTalk customer center agent.


So far, we have learned how to consult with the mobile Kakao Talk customer center.

Remember that even if you know the Kakao Talk customer center phone number, it is impossible to make a phone consultation.

So what should I do if I can’t use the KakaoTalk app chat?

How to inquire outside of the Kakao Talk app

1. Search and access the Kakao Customer Center on the PC portal.

DAUM Search

2. Select the service you want to consult in the KakaoTalk Customer Center.

I will choose KakaoTalk.

Kakao Customer Center

3. Click the field you want to consult on the left side of the screen.

Kakao Customer Center

4. I chose to change my subscription and unsubscribe.

Click Contact Us below.

Kakao Customer Center

5. After filling out the inquiry, click Submit Inquiry at the bottom.

Then, the Kakao Talk customer center consultation reception is completed.

Kakao Customer Center

So far, we have looked into the fact that it is impossible to consult with the Kakao Talk customer center phone number and which consultation method should be chosen.