가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청 COVID-19 family care leave support eligibility/find job center

가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청Eligibility for COVID-19 family care leave subsidy

Application for family care subsidy (click)

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The ‘Corona 19 family care leave cost emergency support system’, which was intended to operate temporarily in 2020 and 2021, will also be implemented in 2022.
This is to help families who have increased family care due to the explosion of confirmed cases and have become economically burdened due to unpaid leave.

Application for family care subsidy (click)

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Civil complaints by field

If infected with COVID-19, the confirmed person has to self-isolate. If there is a need for a caregiver at this time, there are times when someone in the family needs to take time off work to take care of the family.
Or, even if they are not infected, they need family care even if their children have to stay at home without going to school, academy, daycare center, or facility for the disabled according to government quarantine guidelines.

In this way, workers who took unpaid leave and took family care leave because they had to take care of their family due to Corona 19 are eligible to apply for payment of family care expenses.

Families receiving corona confirmed care are spouses, children, parents, grandparents, parents of spouses, and grandchildren (grandchildren).
Even if you become a confirmed case and become a quarantine target, you will still be eligible to apply.
Even if you are not a confirmed case, you are eligible to apply if you have taken family care leave because you were not able to go to school normally due to remote classes, school closures, or closures for your second graders in elementary school, children under the age of 8, or children with disabilities under the age of 18.

Applications for payment of family care leave expenses in 2022 will start on March 21st and will run until December 16th of this year,  if the budget is exhausted, it may be exhausted before the deadline.
Workers who took leave before the application date this year (users on family care leave from 22. 1.1 to 22.12.16) are included in the application.

Application for family care subsidy (click)

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Family care expenses are paid up to 50,000 won per day per worker, and a total of 500,000 won can be supported for up to 10 days.
(If you are a person with short working hours, 50,000 won per day may be higher than your income, but the payment amount is determined in proportion to your working hours, not a flat payment of 50,000 won.)

Employees who work less than 20 hours a week receive KRW 25,000 per day.

For part-time workers, the amount is calculated in proportion to the number of hours worked.
(For example, a person who works 5 hours a day is paid 6,250 won per hour, which is 31,250 won per day.)

Application for family care subsidy (click)

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Family care leave can be divided into up to 10 days per year. It is a government subsidy for taking unpaid leave to care for your family but without pay.

If you have already taken unpaid leave this year, you can discuss it with your employer and convert it to family care leave and apply for subsidies. Because there are documents in the application documents that must be received at the place of work, the employer’s help is needed.

However, if the employer refuses to take a worker’s leave without a justifiable reason, the employer will be fined up to 5 million won.

Check the application form for family care expenses, prepare and apply
You can apply both online and offline.

Documents proving family care leave subsidy application

Check application documents (click)

How to apply for family care leave (online)

Online application can be made on the website of the Ministry of Employment and Labor.

Application for family care subsidy (click)

complaint yard
Civil complaints by field

How to apply for family care leave (offline)

Offline applications are made at the competent job center.
Apply by visiting or mailing the job center in the jurisdiction where the applicant’s home or work address belongs.
You can also look up the address and phone number for sending mail.
If you have any questions, please contact the employment center.
You must check the application documents above and submit them when submitting by mail.

Find the competent employment center

Employment Center: Naver Integrated Search
These are the results of Naver’s integrated search for ‘job center’.

Up to KRW 500,000 per person for COVID-19 family vacation care support will be provided. We learned about the subject of application, the amount of payment, application documents and how to apply. I hope corona will end soon. I hope you all take good care of your health.

가족 돌봄휴가 지원금 신청

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