간헐적 단식 커피 Drinking intermittent fasting coffee without knowing is a shortcut to ruining your 100% diet – Sky Love

간헐적 단식 커피The reason why you need to know whether intermittent fasting coffee becomes poison or medicine is a keyword that has always been an issue for people recently. It’s a diet. As a result, there are hundreds of thousands of diet methods and related health supplements overflowing.
I work out to the fullest and diet hard, but I shouldn’t ruin my diet with one wrong eating habit. So, to avoid making that mistake, I’ll explain in detail how the coffee you drink often is poison and what you eat is medicine. Among many diets, I will introduce you to the influence of intermittent fasting coffee that can maintain a healthy life today.
I also like coffee very much, so I drink it often, regardless of whether I am on a diet in the morning or evening.

In general, those who do 16:8 intermittent fasting usually consume only water until lunch, but according to YTN Sciece, between 8 and 9 o’clock in the morning, which is usually commuting time, awakening substances come out in the body.

At that time, when you drink coffee, the awakening substance is reduced, and according to him, our body is weak in natural awakening, and it is tamed with the external awakening of coffee coming from outside. To put it simply, it becomes caffeine addiction, and it is said that reflux esophagitis occurs by activating the secretion of gastric acid.
If you drink coffee without sugar and cream on an empty stomach, it not only wakes up the brain in your head, but also makes you think that you need to digest food in the stomach the moment you enter your mouth, and gastric juice comes out. This means that completely unintended hormones, enzymes, and genes start moving as if there is food.

It can be said that a cup of coffee on an empty stomach drunk casually like this makes the body mistaken as if it actually contains food, secreting a lot of hormones, etc., so it is not very good for those who are on an intermittent short-term diet.
For reference, for those who have not been intermittent fasting, it is said that around 9:30 am and between 1:30 and 5:00 pm are the most comfortable time zones for coffee.
If an intermittent fasting person must drink coffee, unlike the non-fasting people above, the best time is 30 minutes after lunch. For example, if you start your meal at around 12:00 and end at 12:30, it is said that a little past 1:00 p.m. is the best time to reduce the reaction without straining your body the most.
First of all, it is good to have a drink that does not feel sugar as much as possible, such as green tea and herbal tea.

On the other hand, drinks that are not allowed during fasting include mixed coffee, soda, latte, smoothie, milk tea, etc.

So far, we’ve looked at the real effects of drinking intermittent fasting coffee, whether there are solutions, alternative foods, and more. thank you for reading.

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