Gyeonggi-do provides interview allowances to young people aged 18 to 39 who are interviewing this year, regardless of whether they are currently employed or not. It is possible to apply retroactively for the interview that was stared at in December 2022, so if you are qualified, please apply and take care of the interview allowance of 50,000 won per round.
Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application
Then, we will quickly guide you through the contents of Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance, application qualifications, and application method.
Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance
1. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance support details
In order to support the active job search of young people in Gyeonggi-do, we are recruiting candidates for the 1st Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance in 2023.
Support content
■ Interview allowance amount
Up to KRW 500,000 per person at KRW 50,000 per interview is supported in local currency. (Up to 10 times)
※ When applying, you must fill out an application form for each interview.
■ Payment method
It will be paid within 40 days of the application date in the ‘local currency’ that was written in the online application.
※ You cannot change to another region (city or county) after submitting your application.
After installing the local currency app, it is paid only to those who have completed sign-up and registration.
※ Can only be used in one selected city or county.
For those who already have a local currency card, the amount will be charged to the existing card, and for those who do not have a card, the physical card will be delivered to the address.
※ However, for applicants in Gimpo-si, Siheung-si, and Seongnam-si, payment will be made in mobile local currency.
It takes more than 2 weeks to send a local currency card, so if you want a quick payment, please apply and register in advance.
※ Those who do not register the local currency within 2 months from the date of selection will be considered as giving up on allowances and will be collected.
Application period
1st Recruitment: ’23. 5. 10. (Wed) 09:00 ~ 6. 16. (Fri) 18:00
Eligibility to apply
You can apply for Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance only when you meet all of your age, residence, and interview qualifications.
■ age
Young people between the ages of 18 and 39 as of the implementation year (2023) (born between January 2nd, 1983 and December 31st, 2005)
■ place of residence
As of the date of application, a young man whose address is in Gyeonggi-do
■ Interview
’23. 1. A young man who applied for an interview to get a job after 1.
Regardless of whether you are currently employed, you can also apply for interviews with companies other than Gyeonggi-do and overseas companies.
※ Short-time jobs (less than 30 hours per week) and part-time jobs are also available.
In the first round of recruitment for this interview allowance, you can apply retroactively for interviews in December 2022.
※ However, there must be a remaining number of applications for the 22-year interview allowance.
Exceptions to support
If any of the following conditions apply, you are not eligible to apply.
① Unemployment benefit recipients
② Participants in the Gyeonggi Women’s Employment Support Fund
③ Those who are participating in the ‘Experience Type’ among the work experience programs of the National Employment Support System
④ Beneficiaries of similar projects such as ‘Suwon City Cheong Card Project’
⑤ Those who are eligible for interview expenses for government officials in charge of Gyeonggi-do (those who plan to work at Gyeonggi-do Provincial Office)
⑥ A person who has applied for a workplace where a family member, such as a lineal ascendant or descendant or spouse, is the representative
⑦ Applicants for an interview for the purpose of receiving an allowance even though they have no intention of getting a job
⑧ Cases that cannot be recognized as an interview for employment according to social norms
2. Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application
Application for Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance
How to apply
You can apply online through the Gyeonggi-do job support project integrated application system “Jababa Apply” homepage.
※ In-person and postal applications are not accepted.
[ Go to Gyeonggi-do job support project integrated application system (Jababa Apply) ]
Documents to submit
When applying, the following documents must be attached as files:
① Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance application form and personal information usage consent form (to be filled out online)
② Copy of resident registration issued after the 1st recruitment announcement date (May 2, 2023)
※ The date of issuance and date of transfer must be indicated.
③ Recruitment notice
※ If the announcement is not confirmed due to deletion or deadline, it is possible to skip the submission, but you must submit evidence and application details that can confirm the company’s job vacancies in relation to the job announcement.
④ Interview confirmation form: You can download the form attached to the announcement or use the interview confirmation form of the interviewing company.
Interview confirmation and substitute pledge form.hwp
If it is not possible to issue an interview confirmation letter (written by the person in charge of the company), (1) the interview confirmation letter and the following (2) interview proof documents must be submitted together.
Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance Proof of interview
Gyeonggi-do youth interview allowance Proof of interview
Judging method
There are verification procedures such as age, place of residence, participation in overlapping projects, and actual interview. In addition, you may request supplementation during verification, and if you do not respond, you will be excluded from selection.
Gyeonggi-do Youth Interview Allowance Verification Procedure
The selection results can be checked on ‘My Page’ after logging in to the Gyeonggi-do job support project integrated application system (Jababa Apply).