경주 애견동반 식당 Gyeongju dog-friendly restaurant; Hadong Octopus House

경주 애견동반 식당Eating with two dogs

If you go somewhere with two dogs, except for a dog-friendly cafe,
It’s really hard to eat,,

Although it wasn’t the best, I was satisfied to find the best restaurant in Gyeongju.
While traveling in Gyeongju,
I’m hungry.
However, I don’t want to fill my stomach with cake, etc., but I still need to find a restaurant that will satisfy the dogs who came with me.

After searching around, I found a store called Hadong Octopus and had no choice.
Take a picture on T Map and visit,

There always seems to be less rice.

When I go to a fried fish restaurant, there always seems to be less rice.
I’m not the type to eat a lot,,

Stir-fried Fish

“You can eat it right away.”
These are the words I am most thankful for when I am hungry.

Focus on eating while watching the dogs lying comfortably on cushions

It’s worth eating.

Although it feels a bit lacking compared to some of the famous stores in Busan.
Maybe it’s the peace of mind of being able to eat food without leaving the dogs in the car.

It’s not the best, but I thought it was the best, so it tasted better, but I won’t come back again because of the taste.
This is a place you should come back to if you are with dogs.

A private house outside? Since I can go into a private room, I can relax and eat like at home.
It was a satisfying place.

If you are visiting Gyeongju with your dog, please stop by.
It’s a bit difficult to go to a good restaurant without a dog.

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경주 애견동반 식당
