국민연금 조기수령 장단점 How to Apply for Early Recipient of National Pension | condition | pros and cons | Qualification

국민연금 조기수령 장단점With IT

Let’s look at how to apply for early receipt of the national pension, the conditions for early receipt, qualifications, and the pros and cons. National pension There is a lot of talk these days. It is said that the reception time will be delayed to 70 years of age, and there are voices that young people cannot receive it, but early receipt is advantageous in a way. Let’s take a closer look.
Early Recipient of National Pension


You can apply for early receipt of the national pension in the following ways: You can apply on the website of the National Pension Service or by visiting a branch of the National Pension Service. It is also possible to apply for early receipt by phone and then fax or mail the completed documents. You can choose the method that is most convenient for you. In the case of homepage application, after accessing the National Pension Service homepage, select Personal Civil Service under Electronic Civil Service, log in with a public certificate, and apply online.
Early Recipient of National Pension

In order to receive the national pension early, the period of subscription to the national pension must be at least 10 years. Also, early receipt is possible only if there is no income. Even if the income is below a certain level, early receipt is possible, and this applies in addition to the unemployed. In other words, even unemployed people can receive it.

The advantage of early receipt of the national pension is that if you have been enrolled in the national pension for more than 10 years and you have no income, you can apply for early receipt. If you do not have immediate income but need living expenses, etc., you can receive a certain amount every month through early receipt. The downside is that the supply amount is reduced. It is further reduced by 6% in the case of advance payment every year.
Early Recipient of National Pension

The amount of early receipt of the national pension is reduced by 6% per year, or 0.5% per month, depending on age at the time of application for pension. For example, if you apply for annuity one year early, you will receive 94%, a reduction of 6% from your normal pension amount. For example, if a person decides to receive a pension at the age of 65 and the normal pension amount is 1 million won, if this person applies for a pension at the age of 64, 6% is reduced from the normal pension amount to receive 940,000 won. So far, we have learned about early receipt of the national pension, application method, conditions, pros and cons, qualifications, etc.

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