국민연금 환급금 Apply for a refund for health insurance premiums and national pension refunds! – Youth support fund

국민연금 환급금Please check if there are any refunds for overpayment of health insurance premiums or national pension premiums that I paid.
According to statute of limitations laws, if you do not apply for a refund within 3 years for health insurance premiums and 5 years for national pension from the date of payment, your right to receive the money back will lapse, so if you are reading this article, be sure to apply and visit us. wish.
Check below to see if you have any more money to go.
Please apply through the channels below.
National Health Insurance Corporation website (https://www.nhis.or.kr/nhis/index.do)
Social Insurance Integrated Collection Portal (http://si4n.nhis.or.kr)
Civil Service 24 (https://www.gov.kr/portal/main)
Korea Financial Telecommunications & Clearings Institute My account at a glance (http://www.payinfo.or.kr)
Financial Supervisory Service Fine (http://fine.fss.or.kr)
4 Major Insurance Society Information Link Center (http://www.4insure.or.kr)
National Pension Service (http://www.nps.or.kr)
Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service (http://www.kcomwel.or.kr)
Check below to see if you have any more money to go.

© 2023 Youth Support Fund

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