전역자 군번조회 방법(PC,모바일) How to check military service number for discharged person (PC, mobile)

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to check your military registration number, you may suddenly be confused as to what to do. When you are discharged from the military, you will naturally be forgotten. Or, if you completed military service through industry or public service, you may have never memorized your military service number. Let’s learn how to quickly find your military number.



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Military number inquiry thumbnail
Hide table of contents
1 Military Manpower Administration inquiry
2 Conclusion
Military Manpower Administration inquiry


I think the easiest way to find your military number is to look it up at the Military Manpower Administration using your smartphone. You can check your military number by directly verifying your identity on the Military Manpower Administration website without a separate membership registration process.

✅ Check Military Manpower Administration military number ➡️
Military Manpower Administration website Military Manpower Civil Service
On the Military Manpower Administration website, click [Military Manpower Civil Service]. Click on Military Civil Service and select [Mobilization, Reserve Forces] as shown on the screen below.

Mobilized reserve forces inquiry
When you select mobilization or reserve forces, the [Reserve Force Formation] list will appear and you can select [Military Discharge Date/Military Number Inquiry]. After selection, a pop-up window will appear asking you to verify your identity. You can verify your identity using any convenient method.

Military discharge date search
Identity verification
After verifying your identity, click [Yes] to check whether to check [Discharge date/Army number].

Military discharge date search
You can check your military number in your discharge status.

Check military number
In conclusion
In this post, we learned about the quickest and easiest way to look up military registration numbers. You can search quickly when you need it urgently. thank you