다이소 직영점 Daiso Directly Managed Stores Seoul Metropolitan City Area Address Phone Number Business Hours Daiso Mall Customer Center

다이소 직영점AsungDaiso is a Korean uniform price household goods company. After being established as Asung Industrial in February 1992, Asco Even Plaza opened in May 1997. Then, in September 2001, Japan’s Daiso Industry requested an exclusive contract with Asung HMP (formerly Hanil Man Power), and Asung Daiso received investment from Japan’s Daechang Industry (Japan Daiso) and was renamed Daiso Asung Industry. Changed and opened a Daiso store in Korea. The company name was changed to Asung Daiso in January 2018. According to Daiso Asung Industries’ official position, Asung Daiso clearly stated that it is a separate company from Daiso of Japan. It was revealed that it simply shares a brand name with Daiso of Japan, that it is an independently managed Korean company with all employees comprised of Koreans, and that it has no connection with any subsidiaries, affiliates, or branches. [Source: Wikipedia]
The information below is based on the date of writing, and may change depending on the time of inquiry, so please check the website for the latest information.

Daiso Call Center
Phone number 1599-2211

Daiso Mall Customer Center
Phone number 1688-5700, Fax number 02-573-8513

This article was created by rearranging the contents of the source homepage to easily search for store information. For more details and information, you can check the source homepage below.

Source: Daiso website Daiso official online shopping mall, #ShopDaiso (daiso.co.kr)

다이소 직영점

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