동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

These days, the number of households raising pets is increasing. I think the biggest reason is to comfort the loneliness of people who live alone. However, if you raise a pet, you must register it.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

When registering an animal, there is also the advantage of being able to easily find your pet by checking the identification tag when you lose it. Today, we will learn about how to look up the animal registration number and how to issue an animal registration certificate.

Pet registration

If you raise a pet, you must register it. Although many people raise dogs and cats, cats are not registered as pets yet, and only dogs are registered.

The pet registration system has been mandatory since January 24 to protect animals and prevent abandonment and loss. If you do not register, you may be subject to a fine, so please be sure to register.

Go to dog registration

✅ Registration method

To register a dog, visit a nearby animal registration hospital together and choose between an external or internal chip to install it. After installing it, fill out the owner’s personal information and pet information and apply for registration, and it will be approved within a few days.

After approval, visit your local city, county, or district office to receive your dog registration certificate to complete registration.

You can find a nearby animal registration hospital below.

Find a nearby animal registration hospital

※ Things to note when registering a dog

Since there is a risk of losing the actual dog registration certificate when kept, we recommend that you receive it as a mobile animal registration certificate from the National Animal Protection Information System website.

Issuing an animal (dog) registration certificate

An animal (dog) registration certificate can be easily issued on the National Animal Protection Information System website. When issuing an animal (dog) registration certificate for the first time, you will receive an animal registration certificate in the form of a card similar to a check card.

However, since there is a risk of losing it, we recommend that you receive it as a mobile registration certificate. The animal (dog) registration certificate contains detailed information such as the registration number, owner, address, contact information, pet name, breed, and gender.

As mentioned above, you can easily receive a mobile registration certificate from the National Animal Protection Information System website.

After accessing and logging in to the website, click on the Animal Registration Change Report and Registration Certificate Printing menu to proceed with the issuance.

Puppy Registration
Issue Puppy Registration Certificate

Go to Mobile Registration Certificate Issuance

How to Check Animal Registration Number

The method of checking animal registration number is the same as the issuance method, and can be checked through the National Animal Protection Information System.

You can check the registered pet information only if the owner’s name and resident registration number match.

The order of the check method is as follows.

Animal Registration Number Check
Animal Registration Number Check
Animal Registration Number Check

Step 1. Access the National Animal Protection Information System website and log in

Go to the National Animal Protection Information System

Step 2. Click ‘My Page Information Modification, etc.’ at the top of the main screen

Step 3. Click Animal Registration (Change) Information

Step 4. Check the detailed information of the registered dog’s name, gender, etc.

Go to Animal Registration Number Check

Q&A on Animal Registration

Q. Where do I apply for animal registration?

A. You can apply by visiting an animal registration agency (usually a veterinary hospital) with your pet. You can search for a nearby registration agency in the Animal Protection Management System, and depending on the ordinance of each local government, there are cases where animal registration is only possible at a registration agency.

Q. What should I do if the owner has changed?

A. The person who has transferred the ownership of the registered animal (the changed owner) must report the change to the city, county, or district office within 30 days from the date of transfer of ownership.

Q. What should I do if the owner’s address has changed?

A. The owner of a registered animal must report the change to the city, county, or district office within 30 days of the change in the owner’s address. There are two methods.

👉 Method 1 – How to change the address in the Animal Protection Management System

After registering as a member of the Animal Protection Management System, enter all 13 digits of the resident registration number in the member information modification section at the top of the homepage and click the modification button.

Check if the registered animal appears normally in the registered animal (change) information on MyPage. Click the online address change application button at the top of the homepage to change your address and you’re done.

👉Method 2 – How to change your address offline

You must submit the owner’s animal registration change report to the local government.

Today, we looked at how to register an animal (dog), how to issue a registration certificate, and how to check the registration number. As the number of people raising pets is increasing, pet registration has been changed to mandatory from January 24, so you may be subject to a fine if you do not register. If you lose your dog, you can easily find it with the registration certificate, so please be sure to register it.