면역력 높이는 영양제 Recommend 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity

면역력 높이는 영양제


• Nutrients that boost immunity – 6 causes of decreased immunity
•1. Lack of sleep
•2. Lack of vitamin D
3. Stress
•4.Low body temperature
•5. Misbehavior
•6. Drinking and Smoking
• Disorders that are exposed when immunity decreases
• 7 nutritional supplements for increased immunity are recommended
•1. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity – Vitamin C
• Vitamin C efficacy
•How to choose vitamin C supplements
• 2. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity – Probiotics
• Probiotics efficacy
•How to choose probiotics
•3. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity -Omega 3
• Omega-3 efficacy
•How to choose Omega-3
•4. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity -Vitamin D
• Vitamin D efficacy
• Foods rich in vitamin D
•How to choose vitamin D supplements
•5. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity – Zinc
• Zinc efficacy
• How to choose zinc supplements
•6. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity – multivitamins
• Multivitamin efficacy
• How to choose multivitamins
•7. Seven nutritional supplements to boost immunity – Propolis
• Propolis efficacy
• How to Choose Propolis Supplements
• Nutritional supplements that can be taken together
• A good article to read together
Let’s look at seven nutritional supplements that increase immunity.Hot and humid Southeast Asian weather has passed and it is getting colder day by day.At this time, if you take care of your body even a little, your immunity will decrease quickly.In particular, if immunity decreases, it can be easily exposed to various viral diseases such as colds, enteritis, and shingles.

Moreover, as the coronavirus becomes prevalent again, immunity management is really important.Then, let’s take a closer look at what kinds of nutrients are used to boost immunity.

7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity

Nutrients that boost immunity – 6 causes of decreased immunity

1. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep has the greatest impact on decreased immunity.During sleep, activities such as removing toxins, repairing wounds, secreting growth hormones and stress hormones, and increasing cytokines take place overnight, and lack of sleep directly affects immune cells, hindering the secretion of immune substances and reducing immunity.In addition, sleep deprivation is prone to diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, so you should keep a sufficient sleep time of seven to eight hours a day.

Seven Nutrients to Boost Immunity – Lack of Sleep
2. Lack of vitamin D
Vitamin D is a nutrient supplemented through sunlight.However, it is not easy to see the sun, such as office workers and students in modern society.Sunlight supplements vitamin D and activates immune cells in the body to increase the overall immunity of the body.However, if vitamin D is insufficient, depression, osteomalacia, aging, deterioration of dental health, and brain health are threatened.Obesity, osteoporosis, chronic headaches, cold symptoms, indigestion, etc. can adversely affect our body.Therefore, if the weather is good for a while during lunch or afternoon, I recommend you to take a walk.

Immunity-enhancing nutritional supplements – vitamin D deficiency
3. Stress
Stress, one of the reasons for the decline in immunity, has a great influence on the decline in immunity.When stressed, the cortisol hormone secreted hinders lymphocyte maturation in immune cells and can destroy lymphocytes in severe cases.In particular, stress is the source of all diseases, so it is important to relieve stress and tension as soon as possible.

In order to relieve stress, there are stretching, yoga, meditation, and travel, but it is recommended to relieve stress by finding your own way of relieving stress.Excessive drinking, overeating, or smoking due to stress can seriously damage the human body.
Nutrients that boost immunity – Stress
4.Low body temperature
There are many different reasons for the decline in immunity.In particular, it is easy to catch a cold in these days when it is cool in the morning and evening and the temperature rises significantly during the day.This is because your immunity decreases as you consume too much energy to maintain a proper body temperature.And in summer, air conditioners are used a lot, and at this time, the air conditioner wind should be directed toward the wall so that the wind does not touch the body directly.

If you get it directly, your immunity may decrease, or you may catch a cold or air-conditioningitis.In addition, when using the air conditioner, it is recommended to open the window and ventilate at least once every 3-4 hours a day to provide fresh air indoors.

7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity – hypothermia
5. Misbehavior
Immunity usually decreases due to wrong habits.In particular, picky eating and lack of exercise reduce immunity by breaking the balance of immune cell granules and lymphocytes.In addition, the habit of eating a lot of snacks and late-night snacks at night often skips breakfast while encouraging people to skip breakfast, and at this time, it is difficult to eat all the nutrients they need per day, making it easy to lose immunity.In addition, academic achievement and work efficiency are also reduced due to the lack of energy needed for brain activity.


Seven Nutrients to Boost Immunity – Misguided Habits, Obesity
6. Drinking and Smoking
Drinking and smoking, one of the reasons for the decline in immunity, have a significant impact on the decline in immunity.Drinking too much destroys immune-enhancing nutrients and reduces the ability of white blood cells to kill germs.Therefore, alcohol consumption should be reduced.

And we all know that smoking is actually not good for us all.However, I can’t stop it easily because of my habits and stress.However, smoking can lead to prolonged exposure to nicotine and lower immune systems, making it easy to get sick.In particular, nicotine negatively affects immune cells in the direction of increasing the level of cortisol, a stress hormone.


Seven Immune Supplements – Drinking and Smoking
disease exposed to decreased immunity
The most scary disease exposed when immunity decreases is typically “cancer,” and the diseases that occur frequently in daily life are very diverse, such as shingles, enteritis, canineitis, tonsillitis, acne, skin diseases, constipation, back pain, and neuralgia.Other diseases include gastric ulcers, diabetes, thyroid dysfunction, gout, pneumonia, appendicitis, skin pigmentation, alliance hardening, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Recommend 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity

I recommend seven nutritional supplements to increase immunity.There are a wide variety of nutritional supplements that increase immunity.Therefore, first of all, I recommend you to check what nutritional supplements fit your body and what you lack before taking them.Also, nutritional supplements are literally supplements, and we take them as supplements because we cannot eat all the nutrients we need by eating food.Nutritional supplements are not panacea and should not be trusted.

1. 7 nutritional supplements to boost immunity – Vitamin C

The first of the seven nutritional supplements to increase immunity is vitamin C.Vitamin C is well known as a necessary nutrient for our human body.That’s true.This is because vitamin C is the most basic nutrient to improve immune function.

Vitamin C can protect the body from free radicals that damage cells, and accumulate free radicals in the body can promote oxidative stress, which can protect the body from oxidative stress and help microbial death to prevent tissue damage and support the immune system.

Vitamin C is not only effective but also has many effects, so vitamin C is sometimes called a panacea.Let’s see what kind of effects they have.

vitamin C efficacy
brain health
acceleration of iron absorption
prevention of gout
blood pressure regulation
improvement of bowel disease
eye health
cardiac health
prevention of scurvy
recommended daily dose of vitamin C

To prevent scurvy, 75mg per day for women and 90mg for men
Pregnant women, lactating women, and the elderly are more than 120 mg
The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is 2,000 mg per day for adults.
How to Choose Vitamin C Supplements
natural-derived raw material
confirmation of WCS
chemical-free additive
Formulation (Tablet) – Buy gelatin-free when choosing capsules
individual packaging
Seven Immune Everlasting Drugs – Vitamin C
2. Seven Nutrients for Improving Immunity – Probiotics

The second of the seven nutritional supplements to increase immunity is probiotics.Probiotics are gaining a lot of popularity as they are known in various broadcasting media.In particular, increased immunity is known as a nutritional supplement and is consumed by many people.

Probiotics is a generic term for living bacteria that benefit our human body.When taking probiotics, it helps proliferate beneficial bacteria in the intestines and helps remove harmful bacteria.The more beneficial bacteria there are, the more it can help improve immune function.

Especially if you are on a diet, I recommend you to take lactobacillus.Lactic acid bacteria live in our body’s intestines as beneficial bacteria, and play a major role in improving immunity and biological circulation.Also, if you go on a diet, you suffer a lot from constipation, and lactobacillus helps improve constipation.

probiotic efficacy
bowel function improvement
weight loss
help strengthen immunity
reduced production of harmful bacteria toxic substances
Improvement of gastrointestinal diseases and irritable bowel syndrome
Helps improve and prevent irritable inflammation against allergic and atopic dermatitis
increased immunity to infection
Supplement nutrients by synthesizing vitamins (Helps absorb calcium, iron, phosphorus, etc.)
recommended probiotics daily dose

Probiotics are recommended before meals.
It is recommended to drink a cup of water before taking lactobacillus and dilute stomach acid before taking it.
Lactobacillus is weak against heat, so it is better to take it with cold water.
Recommended daily intake of lactobacillus for adults 100 to 10 billion animals
How to Choose Probiotics
Number of live lactic acid bacteria and number of guaranteed bacteria (maximum recommended daily intake for adults)
Does it contain probiotics that feed lactobacillus
Manufacturers – Are they well equipped with technology or production facilities made from living microorganisms?
Injected strains – Each strain has a slightly different place and efficacy, and different strains fit well depending on the person.
Coating techniques – coatings are applied to areas where probiotic lactobacillus can be killed by stomach acid or external environment, increasing the probability that more bacteria will survive.
I recommend that you don’t add any chemical agents.


3. Seven Nutrients for Improving Immunity – Omega 3

The third of the seven nutritional supplements to increase immunity is omega-3.The effects of vitamin C, probiotics, and omega-3 are really well known, and they are famous for being healthy, such as immunity.Among omega-3 components, unsaturated fatty acids reduce inflammation and improve the function of white blood cells to balance the body and strengthen the overall immune system.

In particular, omega-3 helps suppress chronic inflammation enough to be called a natural anti-inflammatory agent, and it is effective as a nutrient that increases immunity.

Omega-3 is abundant in mackerel, tuna, salmon, walnuts, perilla oil, etc., but it is difficult to get nutrients as a meal every time.However, it is easy to eat with omega-3 health supplements.

omega-3 efficacy
Eye Health – The main component of the retina is DHA, and the main component of omega-3 is DHA.
improvement of blood circulation
alleviation of insomnia-improvement of sleep deprivation
prevention of impaired vision
improvement of myocardial infarction
prevention of brain disease
skin health
a skin disease
improvement of depression
recommended daily dose of omega-3

The recommended daily intake of omega-3 based on the KFDA (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety) in Korea is 500-2000mg, and the recommended daily intake for adults by the Nutrition Association is 2.7g for men and 2.1g for women.
How to Choose Omega-3
When choosing Omega 3, you should check the contents of EPA and DHA.Recommended for 1000mg or more
Omega 3 with high EPA content is recommended for the purpose of preventing cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases.
Omega 3 with high DHA content is recommended for the purpose of eye health, prevention, and improvement of brain diseases.
Refined fish oil omega 3 is better than vegetable omega 3.
You have to choose either an iFOS or a GOED certified omega 3.
Nutritional supplements with purity of 70% to 80% or more are good.
Omega-3 is easily destroyed, so you need to check if it’s delivered in the refrigerator. (summer)
Omega 3 extracted from seaweed is recommended for those who are reluctant to take it due to its nausea and fishy taste.
However, if additives are added to eliminate the fishy taste, the omega-3 effect is relatively low.
Recommended rtg omega-3 with high bioavailability and high purity due to the combination of three unsaturated fatty acids.
Origin Recommendation – Sardines from Norway or Alaska are recommended for fish with less heavy metal contamination.The bigger the fish, the worse it is because heavy metals are piled up on the body.
individual packaging
The rTG form, which is the 3rd generation omega form, is good (but the price is high).

Seven Nutrients to Boost Immunity – Omega 3
4.7 Nutrients to boost immunity – Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the fourth of the seven nutritional supplements to boost immunity.Vitamin D has a little explanation for the reason and efficacy of poor immunity in the stomach, but let’s look at vitamin D a little more.Vitamin D is becoming more difficult to see sunlight due to COVID-19 and self-isolation, but it is harder to see it.

Vitamin D replenishes our body through sunlight.However, if such supplementation is insufficient, vitamin D deficiency will occur.Vitamin D prevents various viruses and helps boost body immunity.It is also known to stimulate the body’s early immune system and regulate inflammatory reactions.Therefore, vitamin D is one of the essential health functional foods.

Vitamin D deficiency does not absorb calcium, increasing the likelihood of being exposed to bone diseases such as osteomalacia and osteoporosis, and increasing the likelihood of developing depression.Vitamin D can be obtained from outdoor sunlight for about 15 minutes, and those who are cold winter or have little outdoor activity should take it through nutritional supplements.

vitamin D efficacy
prevention of cancer prevention
prevention of osteoporosis
alleviating depression (brain and nervous system help)
obesity prevention
alleviation of diabetes
strengthening of immunity
foods rich in vitamin D
Vitamin D is naturally produced in the body if you get enough sunlight, but those who cannot get sunlight depending on their work or living environment can also get vitamin D from eating food.

fatty fish such as cheese, liver, milk, mushrooms, egg yolks, tuna, mackerel and salmon
recommended daily dose of vitamin D

The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 5μg for adult men and 10μg for elderly, pregnant women, and lactating women.
steady intake of 2,000 IU
How to Choose Vitamin D Supplements
Vitamin D2 Vegetable Vitamin D
Vitamin D3 Animal vitamin D produced naturally by sunlight
Vitamin D2 and D3 have a higher absorption rate of vitamin D3.(1.5x efficiency)
whether the content is more than 1000 IU
Chewing, gel, etc. are low in sugar and pigment.
When you take multivitamin, whether it contains vitamin D,
Vegan or organic?

7 Nutrients to boost immunity – Vitamin D
5. Seven nutritional supplements to boost immunity – Zinc

The fifth nutritional supplement to boost immunity is zinc.Zinc is very famous for its good immune function.In particular, it is so effective that it is called zinc for immunity.Zinc is an essential mineral that directly helps the immune system, and zinc functions to activate immune cells such as leukocyte macrophages.

In addition, zinc is one of the very important nutrients that further promote the function of T cells and macrophages by protecting immune systems such as lymphatic and thymic glands.Let’s take a closer look at the efficacy of zinc and how to choose zinc nutritional supplements.

Symptoms of zinc deficiency include infection, inflammation, rash, palate abnormalities, night blindness, corneal opacity, loss of appetite, weight loss, and hair loss due to decreased immune function.
zinc efficacy
Improvement of skin and maintenance of elasticity
enhanced immune function
help with pregnancy and development during fetal pregnancy
diabetes prevention
prevention of hair loss
vision protection, eye health improvement
improvement of the body’s ability
palate activation
antioxidant action
Blood glucose management in the body – insulin storage and insulin secretion
Effective for growing children – better concentration, better growth
digestive system improvement
recommended daily amount of zinc

Adult Female – 8mg
Adult Male – 11mg
1~2 years old – 6 mg
3-5 years old – 9 mg
Adolescents – 13 to 33 mg
Too much or too little can cause side effects such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal cramps if you take a large amount at a time.
How to Choose Zinc Nutrients
Zinc nutrients can be classified into synthetic zinc or natural zinc products depending on the raw material.
In order to take healthy and safe nutritional supplements, zinc supplements made from 100% natural ingredients must be checked.
Children’s nutritional supplements use synthetic spices or sweeteners to create taste and aroma, so you should also check whether they contain these additives.
Checking the presence of chemical components such as chemical adjuncts, there is silicon dioxide as chemical adjuncts, and it is the same chemical ingredient as the desiccant in seaweed and nuts.If possible, you should choose unused products.In addition to silicon dioxide, there are various types such as magnesium stearate and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose.
Main ingredient identification – The main ingredient, which refers to the main nutritional component of the product, is usually at the very front of the name and content of the ingredient.In this part, there are zinc mixed powder, zinc oxide, zinc gluconate, etc., and if only nutritional calls or chemical names are written, it is reasonable to choose products that have been marked with derived substances such as “dry yeast (zinc).”
Confirmation of GMP certification mark – If the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has hygienic manufacturing facilities and meets all of the product standards, manufacturing standards, hygiene standards, and quality control standards, it is recognized as GMP.
If you want to enjoy various effects in addition to normal immune function and cell division, I recommend a complex functional product containing zinc oxide.

Seven Immune Supplements – Zinc
6.7 Nutrients to boost immunity – Multivitamins

There are seven nutritional supplements to boost immunity, and the sixth is multivitamins.Modern people in modern society find it difficult to eat every meal on time, overwork, heavy drinking, and stress destroy nutrients, and reduce immunity, causing various diseases and diseases to come and suffer.Therefore, more and more people are looking for multivitamins to fill their deficiencies.

In particular, multivitamins have excellent immune system and antioxidant functions.Most of the reasons for common diseases are decreased immunity.Therefore, if immunity weakens due to physical and mental fatigue, our body will not be able to respond in time to the penetration of various viruses and bacteria, increasing the probability of developing various diseases.

Multivitamins contain useful vitamins and minerals to help strengthen immunity.
If it is difficult to take multiple drugs above, you can take only one “multivitamin.”
multivitamin efficacy
Multivitamins are good for busy modern people as they contain 21 nutrients, including 13 types of vitamins and 8 types of minerals that must be managed.Essential ingredients include vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, pantothenic acid, biotin and niacin, and eight minerals contain ingredients such as zinc, manganese, iodine, copper, selenium, iron, molybdenum and chromium.However, each medicine has a slightly different ingredient, so please check it when you purchase it.

active oxygen removal
antioxidant action
blood circulation health
bone health
How to Choose Multivitamins
To prevent the risk of deterioration, it should be purchased as a product consisting of individual PTP packaging.
We need to confirm the change of certified manufacturing such as HACCP, GMP, ISO, etc.
Check Components – There are 23 types of vitamins and minerals that are meaningful as nutritional supplements and have standards for consumption.
Checking Vitamin B Group – Vitamin B Group works organically with each other, so only one out of eight species is insufficient to function properly.If you drink coffee often or feel tired, I recommend products with high B1 and B2 content.
Checking Vitamin A Amount – Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin, excessive consumption can lead to accumulation in the body.Therefore, in the case of fat-soluble vitamins, too high content should be avoided.It is recommended to choose less than 5000 IU for vitamin A.
Check iron content – excessive iron intake increases the risk of heart disease or stroke, so it is recommended to choose products that do not contain iron unless you are pregnant or anemic.
Check phyto-chemical components – Phyto-chemical refers to the various pigmented components of a plant’s leaves and stems.Phytochemicals are very effective in preventing aging and inflammation because they have strong antioxidant effects.Therefore, multivitamins containing phytochemicals are good products.
Checking Vitamin E Components – It is recommended that you choose natural ingredients for vitamin E.It is recommended to check d-aplha tocopherol when purchasing products with natural ingredients.In addition, it is necessary to check whether vitamin C and vitamin D are properly contained.
Make sure you have a chemical brother-in-law – you should avoid products with a chemical brother-in-law when choosing all the nutrients.Typical chemical subsidiaries include HPMC, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.It can strain your time taking chemical brother-in-law for a long time.

Seven Nutrients to Boost Immunity – Multivitamins
7.7 Nutrients to boost immunity – Propolis

The seventh of the seven nutritional supplements to increase immunity is propolis.It is a very famous nutritional supplement that has been on TV for a long time and everyone knows it.Propolis is also known to strengthen immunity.Propolis contains more than 100 flavonoids and has propolis effects that prevent cell damage, promote metabolism, and strengthen immunity by removing active oxygen from the body.

It is also known to play a role in preventing the invasion of bacteria or viruses by improving immunity, suppressing the proliferation of candida albicans, and enhancing immunity.

propolis efficacy
strengthening of immunity
anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects
bone health
oral health
blood circulation and vascular health
cold prevention
Improve liver function and control of blood sugar
bronchial health
obesity prevention
anemia prevention
prevention of hair loss
Propolis recommended daily dose

The recommended daily dose of propolis is 17 mg.
If you eat propolis with lemon or nuts, it will increase the absorption rate, so it’s good to take it together.
How to Choose Propolis Supplements
Green Propolis is an ingredient collected from baccaris flowers native to Brazil, and is called Green Propolis only for products certified by the Brazilian government.

Check flavonoid content and dry mark (GMP, HACCP, etc.)
Confirmation of Origin – Genuine Green Propolis Product Origin Indication Method
– Propolis extract (Brazilian)
– Propolis Chumul Water Powder (Brazilian)
– Propolis extract powder (propolis extract, starch, Brazilian)
Fake Green Propolis Origin Labeling Method
– Propolis are not green propolis unless they are from other countries or Brazil.
Do not purchase without country of origin indication
Green propolis is much richer in green flavonoids and other nutrients than regular propolis.
Check for additional ingredients such as honey and zinc – Regardless of the function of health functional foods, you should check products that increase prices by using specific ingredients for sales purposes.Among them, honey is the most commonly used raw material.Honey is really small and meaningless.
In the case of zinc, it often overlaps with other nutritional supplements I take, so you should check before purchasing.
– WHO recommended daily intake of zinc. – 45 mg for adult males and 35 mg for adult females.
Check the shape of the product (spray, chewable, capsule)
– Chewable products are recommended for oral antibacterial purposes.
– Liquid type may have storage problems.
– When purchasing pills, hard capsules are better than soft capsules.

Seven Nutrients to Boost Immunity – Propolis
nutritional supplements that are good to eat together
Collagen + Vitamin C – Increased Absorption
Vitamin E + Omega 3 – Vitamin E prevents oxidation of Omega 3
Calcium + magnesium or vitamin D
Iron + Vitamin C
Vitamin C + Vitamin E면역력 높이는 영양제