삼성페이 모바일 신분증 Samsung Galaxy S23 Put your ID (driver’s license) in Samsung Pay – Life without a wallet

삼성페이 모바일 신분증First of all, you need to do something before registering your driver’s license in Samsung Pay. You need to register your driver’s license in the PASS app that you use to authenticate yourself with the carrier. Take out your driver’s license from your wallet and run the PASS app in the mobile phone app drawer’s carrier folder. If you have launched the app, please register your driver’s license in the PASS app as the link below tells you.
How to carry my ID (driver’s license) in my mobile phone – where is my wallet (using pass authentication)
These days, it has become a world where online and offline payments can be made with a single mobile phone. If you carry only your ID card in your phone, you can live a completely wallet-free life. How do you carry your ID card in your phone? Photos
After registering in the PASS app, launch the Samsung Pay app. When Samsung Pay is launched, the payment card screen appears as shown in the picture on the left below. Please click “+” in the upper right corner. If you press the plus button, a list where you can register additional functions appears as shown in the picture in the middle. Please select a digital ID.

If you clicked on the digital ID, you will see the “Add driver’s license” item as shown in the picture on the right above. Please click on the relevant item.

If you click Add driver’s license, you will see a notice that you can use it in various places as shown in the picture on the left below.
Please click next at the bottom. Then, as in the picture in the middle, it informs you that you will bring the driver’s license information registered in PASS.

Click Go to the carrier PASS and when the PASS app pops up, enter the fingerprint authentication or authentication password as shown in the picture on the right.

If you wait a little bit, you will see the mobile driver’s license confirmation completion guide as shown in the picture below, and the driver’s license icon will appear as shown in the picture on the right.

If you go to the Driver’s License tab and click the driver’s license icon, the identity verification icon will appear at the bottom. If you perform fingerprint authentication, a photo, driver’s license number, type 1 or 2, date of birth, date of issue, identification number, QR code, and barcode will appear.

A telecommunications company is a business. Therefore, officials at the city hall or district office may refuse. How about mobile IDs distributed and serviced by the country? Using the national mobile ID IC driver’s license operated by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security of the Republic of Korea
Put your ID (IC driver’s license) on your phone – Government-certified app, everyday life without a wallet
The mobile driver’s license app is a credible app distributed by the Korean government. In other words, it can be used for personal authentication when receiving a police ticket at a large government office or at a small size. Mobile identification (driver’s license) – large
– Issuance of IC Korean or English driver’s license – You can rent a car in 55 countries with a Korean driver’s license without issuing an international driver’s license.
Issuance of a driver’s license in both Korean and English – No need for an international driver’s license for overseas travel.
Recently, a new driver’s license can be issued in English. New issuers can reissue by paying a certain amount. Driver’s license in both Korean and English This is a newly issued driver’s license.
– A method for a person who does not have a driver’s license but only has a resident registration card to carry his ID in his mobile phone
Putting my ID in the mobile carrier pass app – It’s not just a driver’s license anymore. I put my ID card in my phone too
It’s not just a driver’s license anymore. Carry your resident registration card in your mobile phone Let’s enjoy real wallet free life Put your ID card in your mobile phone and carry it around Mobile carrier pass app before resident registration card mobile verification service is implemented
Now, leave your wallet at home for a while and go out with only your phone and auxiliary battery. You always take your auxiliary battery with you when you go out. Eliminate your wallet from your outing essentials.
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삼성페이 모바일 신분증
