생애주기별 건강검진 검사항목 및 대상자 유형과 비용 Health checkup items by life cycle, type of subject, and cost

The national health checkup system for each life cycle plays an important role in maintaining the health of citizens and in early detection and prevention of diseases. This system is led by the state and provides essential health check-ups for citizens of various age groups.

National health examination system by life cycle

생애주기별 건강검진

생애주기별 건강검진

General health checkups provide comprehensive checkups, including physical examinations, blood tests, safety assessments, and lifestyle assessments, to eligible members on a regular basis. Through this, we evaluate the individual’s health status and provide necessary measures or treatment to help maintain a healthy life.


Additionally, the National Health Checkup System includes a variety of additional checkup items depending on age. For example, cancer screening examines breast cancer, cervical cancer, stomach cancer, colon cancer, etc. for early detection of cancer in certain age groups.


Additionally, growth and development assessments, immunizations, and dental checkups are included for infants, toddlers, and students. Out-of-school youth are provided with health checkups and education and counseling on sexual health, mental health, and substance abuse.


The National Health Checkup System, which provides various checkups and management for each life cycle, is an important system that actively manages individual health and helps with early detection and prevention of disease. Through this, we can support the healthy lives of our people and build a socially healthy nation.


National health checkup support by life cycle:
Category Content
Subject to general health checkup
Medical benefit recipient: 20 to 64 years old
Health insurance subscriber: Employee subscriber and local subscriber who is the head of the household, aged 20 or older
Local household members and dependents
Frequency: Once every two years (every year for workers not engaged in office work)
Medical benefits life transition period
Checkups are conducted every two years for medical benefit recipients aged 66 or older.
Cancer screening for stomach cancer: Men and women over 40 years old (once every two years)
Liver cancer: Among men and women over 40 years of age, those at high risk of developing liver cancer (once every 6 months)
Colon cancer: Men and women over 50 years old (once a year) Breast cancer: Women over 40 years old (once every 2 years)
Cervical cancer: Women over 20 years old (once every 2 years)
Lung cancer: High-risk group aged 54 to 74 with a smoking history of more than 30 pack-years (once every 2 years)
Infant health check-up for infants and toddlers under 6 years old (under 71 months) (total of 8 times by age, oral check-up 4 times)
Student health check-up (Ministry of Education) every 3 years starting from the 1st grade of elementary school
(1st and 4th grade elementary school students, 1st year middle school students, 1st year high school students)
out-of-school youth
Health checkup (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family) Out-of-school youth aged 9 to 18 (every 3 years)
General health checkup: Medical benefit recipients and health insurance subscribers

Medical benefit life transition checkup: Medical benefit recipients aged 66 or older

Cancer screening: Screening targets for stomach cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer vary depending on age and gender.

Infant health check-up: Infants under 6 years old

Student health check-up: Students from elementary school to high school

Out-of-school youth health check-up: Out-of-school youth ages 9 to 18


National health checkup support by life cycle:
Category Content
Common general health checkups: Obesity, visual/auditory abnormalities, high blood pressure, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney disease, anemia, diabetes, etc.
By gender and age: dyslipidemia, hepatitis B, osteoporosis, depression, cognitive dysfunction, etc.
Test items by gender and age Implementation period
Dyslipidemia test every 4 years for men over 24 years of age and women over 40 years of age.
Hepatitis B test at age 40
Bone density test for 54- and 66-year-old women
Cognitive dysfunction test every 2 years over 66 years of age
Mental health test (depression) 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years old
(Once in 10 years starting)
Lifestyle evaluation for ages 40, 50, 60, 70
Elderly physical function test 66, 70, 80 years old
Dental biofilm test at age 40
Medical benefits lifetime
Common examinations during transition period: obesity, visual/auditory abnormalities, etc.
By gender and age: Bone density test (66-year-old female), cognitive dysfunction test (every 2 years for those over 66 years old),
Lifestyle habits assessment (70 years old), mental health test (70 years old), elderly physical function test (66, 70, 80 years old)
Cancer screening Stomach cancer: Gastroscopy (selective gastrointestinal contrast examination possible) Liver cancer:
Colorectal cancer combined with liver ultrasound and serum alpha-fetoprotein test:
If an abnormal fecal occult blood test is found, colonoscopy is performed (optional colonoscopy can be performed)
Breast cancer: Mammography Cervical cancer: Pap test
Lung cancer: low-dose CT scan and post-consultation results consultation
Infant health checkup, questionnaire and examination, physical measurements, developmental evaluation and consultation, health education and consultation,
Oral examination, etc.
Student health checkup, physical measurements, oral examination, urine test, blood type test, blood test, tuberculosis test,
Hepatitis test, etc.
out-of-school youth
Health checkup, questionnaire and examination, physical measurements, blood test, hepatitis test, tuberculosis test, oral examination, etc.

General health checkup: Checks for various health conditions such as obesity, visual and auditory abnormalities, high blood pressure, pulmonary tuberculosis, kidney disease, anemia, and diabetes.

Medical benefits Life transition examination: bone density test, cognitive dysfunction test, lifestyle evaluation, mental health test, elderly physical function test


Cancer screening: Various tests and counseling for stomach cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, and lung cancer.


Infant health check-up: interview, examination, physical measurement, development evaluation, health education, oral check-up, etc.


Student health check-up: physical measurements, oral examination, urine test, blood type test, blood test, tuberculosis test, hepatitis test, etc.

Health check-up for adolescents outside of school: interview, examination, physical measurements, blood test, hepatitis test, tuberculosis test, oral examination, etc.


How to apply for national health checkup by life cycle:
Application in person: Apply by visiting the examination institution in person (health examination form and ID required)

Inquiries can be made through the National Health Insurance Corporation (☎1577-1000, www.nhis.or.kr) or through The Health Insurance app.


Conclusion of national health examination by life cycle:
The national health checkup system for each life cycle is an important system that actively manages the health of citizens and contributes to disease prevention and early detection.


We aim to promote healthy lives for people by alleviating the burden of costs and helping more people access health screenings.