시사상식 문제 Take an interesting current affairs trivia quiz to your heart’s content

In preparation for social life or employment preparation, you can build up relevant knowledge through current affairs and common sense quiz questions. It’s difficult to prepare in one morning, so I think it’s good to gradually build up your skills by solving problems little by little every day.

▼ The quiz questions we will use are simple to meet. You can use the Karosero crossword puzzle service provided by Naver. You can find it right away with a search. Here, you can see that there is a horizontal and vertical word matching game based on Korean, English, and current affairs dictionaries.

▼If you think the size of the horizontal and vertical puzzles is too small, you can increase the size from 5×5 to 7×7 or 10×10. If you are taking the Shiga Common Sense quiz and find it too difficult or too easy, you can press the [New Question] button to bring up a new question. If you want to solve it again from the beginning, just click the [Resolve] button.

▼The way to answer the Common Sense Quiz is simple. In the puzzle, click the number you want to solve. Then the cursor will blink so that you can enter the content. In this state, just look at the common sense problem on the right and write the word that matches it in the puzzle. If you want to see the correct answer, you can check it right away by clicking the [View Answer] button.

▼If you want to know how many times you got right after solving all current affairs quizzes in the puzzle, click the [Guess Answer] button at the bottom right of the puzzle. Then you can see how many trivia quizzes you got right. You can also check the time spent solving the quiz.

▼Click the [Confirm] button in the Correct Answer window. Then, the correct answer will be displayed on the puzzle horizontally and vertically as follows. If you look at the guide, you can find out how to solve the quiz without using the mouse. It is said that pressing the Tab key moves to the next cell, and pressing the Shift and Tab keys moves the cursor to the previous cell.

▼If you are studying English, it is also a good idea to take a word quiz based on the contents of an English dictionary. It can be useful for memorizing words.


시사상식 문제
