알뜰교통카드 신청 [Economic Transportation Plus Card] 10% on public transportation, 5% on daily life services, 5% on daily life services when using KB Pay – KB Kookmin Card

알뜰교통카드 신청View Annual Fees

Amount charged when using overseas = (Transaction USD amount
Please note that this is a case where there is no Overseas Korean Won Payment (DCC) service fee. Additional fees may apply when using the Overseas Korean Won Payment (DCC) service.
1. In cases where it is unavoidable due to the card company’s business suspension, bankruptcy, or management crisis.
1-2. Cases where additional services are inevitably reduced or changed due to an affiliate company’s closure, bankruptcy, or management crisis, and it is impossible to provide similar additional services of the same type through another affiliate company.
2. When the affiliate reduces or changes the relevant additional service against the will of the card company and provides another additional service equivalent to the original additional service.
3. If the additional service has been provided for more than 3 years and the profitability of the product has significantly decreased due to the additional service
Details: KB Kookmin Card website > MY KB > Direct withdrawal or refer to virtual account
However, if there is no normal interest rate at the time of delinquency, the following applies.
Reviewed by compliance officer 230608-02046-HPP (2023.06.08)
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알뜰교통카드 신청
