어린이 비만도 계산기 Child Obesity Calculator

Using the Child Obesity Calculator
어린이 비만도 계산기



When children become obese, there is a possibility of developing diseases such as fatty liver, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which are known only to adults. And, among other things, if you have a lot of fat, it promotes the release of sexual hormones, which increases your chances of showing puberty symptoms even at a young age.


Obesity is common in modern people! Obesity refers to a condition in which there is an excess of adipose tissue in the body. Just because you look fat from the outside doesn’t mean you’re obese. If you’re overweight but don’t have a lot of muscle mass and a lot of fat, you’re not considered obese. Because each race has a different constitution, the obesity rate calculator is also applied differently.


When children become obese, there is a possibility of developing diseases such as fatty liver, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which are known only to adults. And, among other things, if you have a lot of fat, it promotes the release of sexual hormones, which increases your chances of showing puberty symptoms even at a young age.


어린이 비만도 계산기




In addition, due to the stress on the appearance due to childhood obesity, you may feel the feeling of evaluating yourself as a person inferior to others. In this situation, self-esteem may decrease and there is a possibility of changing to a timid and introverted personality, and it is important to form relationships with peers.






Even if there is, it can cause great damage, so it is important to prevent obesity in children so that it does not occur, and even if it occurs, it is important to treat it quickly. The most common age for obesity in children is before the age of one, or at the age of five, when physical fat levels are high.






Six years old, or puberty. Among them, in the case of children under the age of 1, there is a lot of activity and there are cases where they fall out naturally as the height grows, but if childhood obesity is not treated in a timely manner, about 75% to 80% will develop into adult obesity. I have to.






When treating obesity in children, we must not forget that the child is still growing. If you lose weight while growing, growth may not proceed normally. That’s why it can be said that it is beneficial to reduce inappropriate meals and exercise steadily rather than extreme diet control.






In order to use the child obesity calculator, you can search for the keyword “obesity calculator” in the following portal site area, and then use it conveniently from the site exposed at the top. When you go to the site, a form for entering the child’s information will be printed out. whether a man,






Enter the necessary information such as whether you are a girl, how tall are you in centimeters, how many kilograms you weigh, and how old are you, and then click the Calculate button below. The site extracts a value using a body mass index called BMI. The way to obtain this index is as described above






Weight / (height * height). The higher this number is, the easier it is to be exposed to various diseases, and the normal number is around 22. Below these explanations, the results of the child obesity calculator are printed out. In the post, there is information that he is 143 cm tall, weighs 70 kg, and is 10 years old.






The BMI index of 34.23 was extracted, and the result of the child obesity index calculator, which is highly obese, was output.