연체자대출 가능한 곳 BEST 5 places to get loans for long-term delinquent borrowers

연체자대출 가능한 곳Information 24

Let’s find out where long-term delinquent borrowers can get loans. In fact, it is not easy for long-term delinquent borrowers to get a loan. This is because your credit rating is not good in the eyes of the financial world. But there are places where it is possible. Let’s take a closer look below.

Hana Capital’s OneQ Car Loan is a product with a maximum limit of 100 million won (minimum 1 million won). The interest rate is 4.9% to 16.9% per annum and the period is 12 to 120 months.
The Reedcorp credit loan is a credit loan product that allows loans ranging from 1 million won to 30 million won depending on the customer’s credit rating or personal credit score through Reedcorp’s credit rating system.
This is Eugene Savings Bank’s Nao Loan for all income-earning customers over the age of 32. Applies to credit scores of 560 or higher [based on NICE standards].
Eugene Savings Bank Nao Loan is a product that allows you to easily proceed from loan application to remittance on mobile. There is no need to submit documents; you can proceed with just your own ID (resident registration card or driver’s license) and a joint certificate (excluding securities).
Sunshine Loan 15 is for those with an annual income of 35 million won or less or those in the bottom 20% of credit ratings and an annual income of 45 million won or less. Unlike the existing Sunshine Loan, it broadly supports not only workers but also all low-income people with income regardless of occupation, such as small business owners, freelancers, farmers, and fishermen. The Sunshine Loan 15 limit is 7 million won, but due to the COVID-19 situation, you can temporarily receive up to 14 million won until the end of the year. You can choose the repayment method by repaying the principal and interest in equal installments over 3 or 5 years.
Refinancing support for low-credit and low-income borrowers who have found it difficult to reuse existing high-interest loans when their existing high-interest loans expire due to a reduction in the legal maximum interest rate. Those eligible for support are those who have been using a high-interest loan exceeding 20% ​​per annum for more than 1 year or has expired before the maximum interest rate reduction date (July 7, 2021). It is imminent within 6 months, and ② is targeting low-income and low-credit people who are making normal repayments. People with low credit have an annual income of 35 million won or less or an annual income of 45 million won or less and are in the bottom 20% of their personal credit score.
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연체자대출 가능한 곳
