오메가 3 효능 Expert Comment: Learn about the role and importance of omega-3 in supporting health throughout the life cycle!

오메가 3 효능Omega-3s are well known for their beneficial support for heart, brain and eye health. These three benefits are also functionalities recognized by Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety.1 Recently, in addition to heart, brain, and eye health, it has been reported that omega-3 provides various health benefits throughout life, such as immunity, sleep, exercise ability, and mood. This point has been proven through several scientific studies.2 Watch the video below to learn about the role and importance of omega-3 in each life cycle as introduced by DSM’s Dr. Peter Van Dael, Global NSA.
As Dr. van Dael explains in the video above, omega-3 is one of the most studied nutrients and plays a very important role throughout the entire life cycle. Let’s take a closer look.
Omega-3s also play an important role in controlling inflammation, which is important in supporting normal immune function. Dr. Van Dael said that when inflammation occurs, omega-3 helps produce anti-inflammatory substances called ‘Specialized Pro-resolving Mediators (SPMs)’, thereby relieving inflammation and helping recovery, which is also a positive aid to the immune system. They said they would give it.3
In particular, DHA has been found to increase sleep time and sleep quality in various age groups, including young children and adolescents, who consume fish regularly through various research results. 4,5 According to research results published in 2012, low DHA in the body The levels are said to be linked to low melatonin levels. Melatonin is a biological hormone secreted by the brain and is very important for sleep health because it induces natural sleep.6
In addition, DHA is known to be involved in long-term neurocognitive development processes. 7 Recent research suggests that EPA and DHA not only alleviate symptoms associated with mood disorders, but low body omega-3 levels may also contribute to mood-related unstable mental health. It turns out that there is a correlation with the problem.8
Based on various recent research results, the potential of omega-3 for mental health is emerging. There is growing interest in the benefits of omega-3s in areas beyond the well-documented heart, eye and brain health, including immunity, sleep and mood. This could be a solution for consumers currently interested in overall health or wellness, including mental health.9,10,11,12,13,14

So, what is the current status of omega-3 intake around the world? Dr. Van Dael said that only 20% of the world’s population consumes more than the expert-recommended daily intake of 250-500 mg of omega-3.15 Despite the clear positive impact of omega-3 on overall health, As to why the world’s omega-3 intake is low, Dr. Van Dael explains that it is because most omega-3 fatty acid intake comes from diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in high amounts in fatty fish, and to maintain adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids solely from food, you should eat at least 1 to 2 servings of fatty fish each week. However, with the exception of Japan, Norway, and the Inuit people in the Arctic region, few people consume that much fish, leading to a global shortage of omega-3 intake. According to a survey conducted on 1,000 people in Korea by the Journal of the Korean Society of Obesity, Koreans’ omega-3 fatty acid intake is about 1g per day, which is half of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety’s recommended amount (2g).16 Therefore, through methods such as health functional foods, it is necessary to increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids throughout one’s life. It is necessary to specifically supplement Omega-3, which plays an important role in health.
Please supplement with safe, reliable products that provide Omega-3, which has a positive impact on your health throughout your life! Most MEG-3™ produced using DSM’s unique cutting-edge scientific technology is listed as a food additive (GRAS: Generally Recognized as Safe) recognized by the FDA and is a raw material certified for safety and quality. In addition, in consideration of the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) Red List and CITES (Convention on International Trade), we only use fish oil extracted from fish that are not in danger of extinction, especially small fish.17 In addition, DSM’s MEG-3 If you are curious about more information about ™, check out the link.
28 February 2022
4 min read
Health •
Nutrition • Bioscience
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오메가 3 효능
