유니패스 통관조회 방법 How to check Unipass customs clearance

In the process of purchasing and clearing overseas direct purchase products, it is important to conveniently check overseas direct purchase customs clearance details and check the personal customs clearance code. You can process it more conveniently by receiving customs clearance notifications via text message from the Korea Customs Service. It is also possible to easily calculate and issue customs duties and taxes through Unipass or the mobile Customs Service app. If you know how to receive text notifications from the Korea Customs Service, the overseas direct purchase customs clearance process will become more convenient.

유니패스 통관조회

유니패스 통관조회

Confirm issuance of unist certificate


unist certificate issuance


You can check customs clearance details and prevent theft through the Customs Service Unipass using your personal customs clearance code. You need to be careful when receiving a customs clearance notification via text message from the Korea Customs Service, and you can use it more easily through the National Secretariat Service. It is possible to check customs clearance details and prevent theft through PC or mobile. When purchasing directly from overseas, obtain a unique personal customs clearance code and use it safely.



Confirm udi code issuance


udi code issuance
When purchasing directly from overseas, the Korea Customs Service’s personal customs clearance code is essential. It can be issued and searched using the Unipass site or mobile customs app, and must be checked to protect personal information. Learn more about how to issue and search a personal customs clearance code to facilitate customs clearance of overseas purchases. You can easily check your customs clearance details through the National Secretariat service, and also check how to deal with the theft of your personal customs clearance code. Enjoy quick and easy overseas direct purchases together! ​​#Overseas direct purchase #Korea Customs Service #Personal customs clearance code #Unipass #National secretary ​​​​​


See more udi issuance


udi issuance

When purchasing items from overseas shopping malls, it is important to obtain a unique personal customs clearance code. It can be easily issued through the Korea Customs Service website or Government 24, and can also be searched through the Unipass app. This allows you to easily carry out customs clearance procedures on your mobile phone or PC. This is useful information for those who enjoy overseas direct purchases. ​​​​#Customs Service #Unipass #Personal customs clearance code #mobile #pc #app #mobile phone #simple #authentication


Find out about u+ membership card issuance


u+ membership card issuance
In addition, the personal customs clearance code is essential information when purchasing goods overseas, so it must be issued. It is also important to pay attention to protecting your personal information to prevent theft. You can easily issue and manage it through the Korea Customs Service Unipass website, and you can conveniently manage it using the National Secretary app. This will be useful information for everyone who enjoys overseas direct purchases.

Confirm issuance of unist certificate

UCI issued

We provide essential information to those who enjoy shopping abroad. Personal customs clearance codes can be easily searched and issued through the Korea Customs Service website or Government 24. You can use it immediately after verifying your identity, and you can easily use it through a mobile app through Unipass. If you want to enjoy overseas direct purchases more conveniently, obtain a unique personal customs clearance code in advance.