음주운전 면허취소 구제 I was arrested for drunk driving. can it be salvaged? : Frequently Asked Questions

음주운전 면허취소 구제I was arrested for drunk driving. can it be salvaged?
Q) I was caught driving drunk. It is said that the driver’s license will be revoked and criminal punishment will be imposed. I saw an ad saying it can be salvaged. Is it possible?

A) In the case of drunk driving, the driver’s license will be revoked only when the blood alcohol concentration level is 0.08% or higher. If the number of driver’s license suspensions is measured, there is no practical benefit to requesting an administrative judgment. You can voluntarily apply for a reduction in the number of days for special education. If the number of cancellations is measured or if more than 2 times are detected, a disposition of 1 year or more than 2 years of license cancellation will be issued. Criminal punishment is punished by the old covenant (fine) or the old trial (trial).

Q) What are the criminal penalties?

A) In the case of criminal punishment, in principle, administrative officers cannot accept the duties. When requesting administrative adjudication, we provide assistance such as providing samples of sentencing data free of charge as an extension of the work.
Depending on the district court by region, etc., and each case, there are differences, but usually, in the case of a first-time offender, a fine of around 7 million to 10 million won is imposed in the case of a drunk driver’s license cancellation.
If you are referred to the old trial, if you actively prepare and submit the trial opinion and other sentencing materials, you can receive a suspended sentence or a reduced fine.

Q) It is said that the driver’s license will be revoked due to the measurement of license cancellation due to drunk driving. Can I save my license?

A) It is possible to reduce the license suspension by requesting an administrative judgment for 110 days. However, it can only be known by comprehensively and multilaterally examining the various contexts of the client.
Administrative judgment, unlike lawsuits, decides on a reduced disposition by taking into account various circumstances, such as the applicant’s economic circumstances, the relationship between driving and work, health relationships, whether there are dependents, driving motive, disposition history, accidents and victims. Therefore, you must consult with an expert before proceeding with your administrative appeal.

Business name: Yeongil Administration Office
CEO: Yoon Ji-hwan Business Registration Number: 578-04-00855
Address: 3rd floor, 988 Gukchaebosang-ro (Beomeo-dong), Suseong-gu, Daegu TEL: 053-782-3581 FAX: 053-588-4114, 053-749-1049 E-mail address: yjh35811@naver.com
Copyrightⓒ2020 Yeongil Administration Office. All rights reserved.

음주운전 면허취소 구제
