전입세대 열람내역서 발급 Issuance of transfer household reading statement

The moving-in household reading statement is a necessary document when executing real estate sales contracts and leasehold loans. Nowadays, most documents can be issued online. However, the moving-in household reading statement is a document that cannot be issued online and can only be issued when you visit in person. Then, let’s look at how to issue a transfer household reading statement.

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What is the transfer household reading statement?
How to issue a moving-in household reading statement
Required documents for issuance of the moving-in household reading statement
Contents of the transfer household reading statement
Cost of issuance of reading statement of moving household
What is the transfer household reading statement?
You cannot know information about the tenant or the mover when you only look at the certified copy of the register. So, it is a necessary document to make sure that the financial company that gives the loan is ranked first.


How to issue a moving-in household reading statement
You can obtain documents such as certificates of family relations and certified copies online at the Minwon 24 (Government 24) site. However, the transfer household reading statement is a document that cannot be issued on the Internet, so you must visit and get it issued unconditionally.


Issuance of documents can be easily obtained by going to the nearest community center. It can be issued even if it is not the area where you currently live, so you can read it by going to the community center and filling out the resident registration transfer household inspection application form.


Required documents for issuance of the moving-in household reading statement
Necessary preparations vary depending on the owner, tenant, agent, auction participant, credit information agency, and appraiser, so you should check carefully before visiting.


▶ Owner: ID (if a tenant, ID and contract)


▶ Agent: Owner’s seal certificate, ID


▶ Auction participants: Newspaper announcements, printed materials from auction sites


▶ Credit Information Provider: Credit Information Investigation Request Form, Lease Information Investigation Request Form


▶ Appraisal company: appraisal request form


Contents of the transfer household reading statement
It is a document that can confirm the move-in household currently residing in a specific house, that is, the household for which a move-in report has been made. And it is output in two forms: road name address and land number address.


Cost of issuance of reading statement of moving household

Moving-in household reading statement fee cost image

A fee of 300 won will be charged for document issuance. Please note that both cash and credit card payments are accepted.