정부지원 서민대출자격 Find out about the 2023 government-supported loans for low-income households and banks handling them

정부지원 서민대출자격These government-supported low-income loans have different limits and qualifications depending on each type, so please check the product that is right for you.

Due to the recent economic downturn, the government supports low-interest loans for low-income households.

If you need a loan with a low interest rate in a hurry, we recommend that you look into government-backed loans.

Because it is difficult for ordinary people with low credit scores and low incomes to obtain loans from the 1st financial sector, they have no choice but to use high interest rate loans of 20% to 24% per annum from the 2nd financial sector or lending companies.

However, even these low-credit and low-income people can borrow up to 80,000 to 100 million won at a low interest rate.

However, it is not possible for everyone, and for government-supported loans for common people, you can immediately check whether the loan limit is possible through a simple inquiry.

As for the condition of the government support loan product, even an office worker with an annual income of 35 million won or less can apply for the government support loan.

As for the government support loan procedure, when you apply for a support loan to the government, the microfinance institution determines whether or not to apply for the loan through a loan review to see if it meets the applicable conditions. Interest rates are determined autonomously by microfinance companies.

There is a slight difference in interest rates between business operators and workers, and interest rates vary depending on personal credit (credit score of 600 to 1000 points can be applied for), and accurate interest rates can be checked through inquiry.

When a microfinance company decides whether or not to lend, workers can apply for a guarantee from the Microfinance Promotion Institute, and self-employed or agricultural and fishermen can apply for a guarantee to the Regional Credit Guarantee Foundation, and receive a guarantee through an examination to receive a loan.

As for the time required for review and execution, the loan process is carried out by notifying the results of the review through the electronic guarantee system.

Among the government-supported loans for the common people, the banks that may be available without guarantee are Nonghyup, Fisheries Cooperatives, Forestry Association, Savings Bank, and Saemaul Geumgo.

There are several types of loans for the common people supported by the government. It is recommended that you check and find out which product is right for you.

If you have previously received a loan through Sunshine Loan, but need additional loans, we recommend that you check Sunshine Loan 15.

Sunshine Loan 17 Qualification Conditions and Limits Bank Special Guarantee Documents
Sunshine Loan 17 has many types of products in Sunshine Loan. Among them, if you use Sunshine Loan 17, you can get a loan even if you already have a loan. Qualifications for Sunshine Loan 17, limits, handling banks and special cases

If you are a college student or a young adult, it is advantageous to find out the sunshine theory youth.

Sunshine Loan youth (youth) application college student youth loan
Thanks to Sunshine Loan youth (youth), college students and young job seekers who are yet to get a job can easily get a loan. Among Sunshine Loan products, Youth is a government-supported loan for college students and young people, and it is a small financial support center.

If you are in a low-income class and need livelihood funds urgently, we recommend Sunshine Loan Living Fund Loan.

Sunshine Loan Emergency Livelihood Fund Loan Types Qualifications How to Apply
Emergency Livelihood Fund Loan There are times when you need money urgently while living. In that case, there is a loan that can be useful. It is a livelihood loan. If you borrow money multiple times, you may have credit problems.

There are also many low-interest loans among low-income loans supported by the government. Please check if you can get a lower interest rate than a higher interest rate.

Government-supported low-interest loans for the common people
The government-supported low-interest loan for common people is a product that allows low-income and low-credit borrowers to receive loans from the government at a low interest rate due to the ongoing recession. god

You can also get a government subsidized loan through a temporary loan. For more information, please check the side-dollar loan below.
What is a sideways loan? Qualifications and application method Get free consultation!
SGI Seoul Guarantee and Savings Bank connect SGI Seoul Guarantee and Savings Bank to help you get out of high interest rates. Since the stand-by stone loan is a government-backed loan, please use it well to avoid high interest rates.

Even if you do not have income, you can get a loan through government support even if you are unemployed with low credit.
Please check out more details about government-backed loans for the unemployed.

Government-supported loans for the unemployed
There is a government support loan for the unemployed that supports living expenses and living expenses through government support loans for those who are having a hard time living due to the recession. Government subsidy loans are available even for unemployed people with no income.

– Learn more about loan information
[Loan information] – Emergency fund loan for the unemployed
[Loan information] – Micro loan for delinquents
[Loan information] – Unemployed government support loan
[Loan information] – A place where unemployed loans are available on the same day
[Loan Information] – Mobile Micro Loan
[Loan information] – Government-supported loans for the common people


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