주간보호센터 창업 Prepare to start a senior day care center quickly!

주간보호센터 창업hello
This is teacher Damso, a professional learning mentor!

Today, I started a senior day care center.
I would like to tell you about it!

The senior day care center is for those who need help.
We operate customized programs for the elderly.

Able to maintain emotional stability and daily life
This is a long-term care institution that provides support!

For the elderly as we move into an aging era.
In a situation where the silver industry field is gradually expanding,

To prepare for retirement, start a senior day care center.
More and more people are preparing!

Then, starting a senior day care center is
who can do what

Conditions for starting a senior day care center are:
Let’s find out what’s there?

Conditions for starting a senior day care center are:

Social worker level 2 certificate holder
doctor or nurse
Worked as a caregiver for more than 5 years
Worked as a nursing assistant for more than 5 years

If you meet one of the above conditions
People start a senior day care center
I can do it

Starting a senior day care center
I want to do it quickly, but my career
It’s too difficult to satisfy

But even without building a career
Conditions for starting a senior day care center
Here’s a quick way to get it!

A level 2 social worker certification
It’s about acquiring it!

Conditions for starting a senior welfare center
Hanain Social Worker Level 2 Certificate
We’ll tell you how to get it!

First, obtain a level 2 social worker certification.
There are two conditions to obtain it:
I need to meet

College graduation or higher
Completion of 17 required subjects

These two conditions must be met
Conditions for starting a senior day care center
You can have it!

The 17 required subjects are
16 online subjects + 1 practical subject
It consists of

Online is literally
It is an online class,

Practical training includes 30 hours of seminar,
160 hours at a training center
You will undergo practical training.

Here, a bachelor’s degree or higher is required.
There is no one who gives up because there is nothing, right?

If you use the credit bank system, you can obtain a degree and
Required subjects required to obtain certification
You can complete the course at the same time!

So what is the Credit Bank System?

Anyone with a high school diploma or higher can apply for the Credit Bank System.
It is a lifelong education system that can be used.

The entire process from attendance to exams
It is conducted 100% online.

Unlike regular universities, the academic year system is
It consists of a credit system rather than a credit system.

With a tuition fee of 1/5 of the regular university tuition fee

Necessary for starting a senior day care center
You can obtain a level 2 social welfare certificate.
An efficient system with

Faster than anyone else and time and space
You can proceed without restrictions!

Conditions for starting a senior day care center
To achieve this, use the credit bank system.

Obtaining a level 2 social worker certification
I told you it’s the fastest and easiest.

The credit bank system is difficult
There are administrative procedures and accurate
Because learning design and management are necessary

How to use the credit bank system efficiently
We need professional learning mentors!

Easily and quickly start a senior day care center
We are here to help you prepare!

For those who wish to proceed through one-on-one consultation,
If you have any further questions

Click on the name card below
Please request a consultation!

Regarding starting a senior day care center
There is no separate cost for consultation~^^

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Credit Bank Festival Damso Teacher
© Kakao Corp.

주간보호센터 창업
