지마켓 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gmarket customer center and phone number

Find out the Gmarket customer center phone number and the hours when a representative can be reached (customer center operating hours). These days, almost everything, including return requests, exchanges, and refunds, can be handled through the app, so there isn’t much need to call customer service directly.

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지마켓 고객센터

Now, when you visit the customer service center, you will most likely find that something very upsetting has happened or that something has gone wrong while shopping. Check out the G Market customer service phone number below.



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Gmarket customer service phone number
G Market Customer Center is divided into two branches. They run separate customer centers for general members and Smile Club/SVIP members. First, if you are a Gmarket general member, you can call 1566-5701. Consultant contact hours are from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

Gmarket representative customer center phone number: 1566-5701
Operating hours (counselor connection) Weekdays 9:00 – 18:00 (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, and substitute holidays)

■ 1566-5701 Customer Center speed dial number 1. Order payment number 2. Delivery inquiry number 3. Cancellation, return, and exchange inquiries number 4. Lotte/Shinsegae/Hyundai, etc. department store and mall product No. 5. Smile delivery number 6. events, etc.

Smile Club/SVIP dedicated customer center
If you are a Smile Club member or SVIP, you can call 1522-5700. Unlike the main customer center, this customer center is open every day from 9:00 to 18:00. In other words, you can call regardless of holidays or weekends.



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Smile Club is a paid membership service operated by G Market and Auction, and the annual fee is 30,000 won. Exclusive coupons are issued, benefits such as cash accumulation, and a dedicated customer center that can be used every day are among the benefits. That is why the customer center is divided into general members and Smile Club members.

SVIP is divided into three Gmarket membership levels (SVIP/VIP/Family levels), and is the highest level among them. You can check the benefits for each level by clicking here.

Smile Club, SVIP Customer Center: 1522-5700
Consultant connection time (operating hours): 365 days a year, 9:00 to 18:00

Check the customer service phone number on the Gmarket website.
If you want to check the customer service phone number accurately on the G Market website, refer to the picture below and follow along. First, access the Gmarket website and lower the bottom as far as possible. Because the product comes out all the way, don’t lower it slowly; lower it in a hurry. It’s called “Customer Center.” If you press this, the customer service center screen will appear and if you press call, you will be connected immediately.