카카오톡 친구삭제 How to delete KakaoTalk (KakaoTalk) friends, is it possible to delete them in bulk?

카카오톡 친구삭제intellectual question

I went through the same thing a few years ago when I gave my iPad to my mom. I did not delete the address book I used, but logged in with my mother’s account, and hundreds of my friends were registered in my mother’s friend list.

At that time, I looked for a way to delete in bulk, but there was no function, and I know that the function to delete in bulk is not supported in KakaoTalk until now. In the end, you have no choice but to delete them one by one. The process of deleting is not done right away from the list, but you have to go through the process of deleting after blocking. The method below is the fastest way to delete KakaoTalk friends.

Blocking kakaotalk friends

Block the friend you want to delete from your friends list first. In the blocking process, many people worry about whether or not the other person is notified of the blockage.

Manage Blocked Friends

Depending on whether you go to manage friends in the overall settings or go to settings from the friend list view, the route to move is slightly different, but at the end you can find and select ‘manage blocked friends’. If you go here, a list of all the friends you have blocked will appear.

Choose Unblock

If you look to the right of the Blocked Friends list, you’ll find one Manage tab for each. Leave the friends you want to block who do not want to be contacted as they are, and click the Manage tab in the friend list you just want to delete. Blocking friends and deleting friends are completely different items, so it’s good to manage them well so that you don’t misunderstand your friends later.

A total of three items appear, including , and click Unblock here to move to the next screen.
Hit Cancel instead of Add Friend

If you click Add Friend, it will appear in the friends list as it was, so click Cancel here. To make it easier to understand, the four arithmetic formulas are introduced as follows:

It would be finished by simply adding the friend deletion function from the list, but the reason why the deletion process was so complicated seems to be the intention of making people stay in the KakaoTalk ecosystem for as long as possible.

However, now that we are in an era where KakaoTalk is used like a text message, I would like to make it a little easier to register and delete friends like an address book. Everyone on KakaoTalk, I want you to show yourself like a big crowd 🙄

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