카카오페이 교통카드 How to use a mobile transportation card without charging fees | Kakao Pay Official Blog

카카오페이 교통카드Conveniently, you can recharge the amount you want without a fee through automatic recharge. When applying for income deduction, don’t forget to apply for income deduction so that you can receive a year-end settlement tax refund!
Usage history and charging history can be checked in real time.
You do not have to turn on Kakao Pay and enter the service screen, you can tag and use even if the LCD screen is on.

Kakao Pay Home > Payment > Bus icon on the top right
✔️Currently, the Kakao Pay mobile transportation card can only be used by Android smartphone users through NFC payment.
✔️What if you are already using an existing NFC mobile transportation card? You can use it after deleting the transportation card.
Learn more about how to use Kakao Pay
finance with peace of mind This is Kakao Pay.

카카오페이 교통카드
