케이뱅크 신용대출 플러스 Among K-Bank, low-credit loan interest rate reduction! Loan switching (credit, overdraft account), credit loan plus product

케이뱅크 신용대출 플러스Money-making information

During this difficult time due to prolonged high interest rates, the interest burden of those using loan products is not decreasing.

K Bank, an internet-only bank, is drastically reducing the loan interest rate for low and medium credit borrowers by up to 3.3% per year.

K Bank

Today, I will post about the loan interest rate reduction for K Bank’s credit loan products for low and medium credit borrowers.
○ In order to practice inclusive finance to support low and medium credit borrowers, we will provide interest rate reduction benefits to many people.

KCB Credit Score Inquiry

○ We will drastically reduce the interest rate for three types of credit loan products for low and medium credit borrowers (bottom 50% of credit scores) by up to 3.3%.

○ KCB Credit Score Inquiry: All Credit (allcredit.co.kr)
All Credit, the representative credit information of Korea established and utilized by financial institutions
Experience an increase in your credit score through customized credit management, free credit score check, and My Data registration provided by the representative credit rating agency of Korea

○ There are three types of credit loan products for people with medium and low credit: loan switching products (‘Switch to credit loan’, ‘Switch to overdraft account loan’) and ‘Credit loan plus’.

Switching between credit loans and overdraft accounts

1. Switching to credit loans
– Annual interest rate reduced by 3.3% p to a minimum of 4.26% p.

2. Switching to overdraft account loans
– Annual interest rate reduced by 1.87% p. to a minimum of 5.99% p.

3. Credit loan plus

Credit loan plus

– Annual interest rate reduced by 0.14% p. to a minimum of 4.24% p.

1. Using the K-Bank mobile app
– K-Bank – make money – Google Play app

K-Bank – make money – Google Play app
K-Bank, full of daily benefits


– K-Bank (Kbank) provided on the App Store (apple.com)
‎K-Bank (Kbank)
‎make money K-Bank (K-Bank) ■ K-Bank Life Account Full of daily benefits Living expenses come back as interest, cashback, and coupons ■ K Bank Group Account Our own personalized profile picture, interest on group fees! Full of benefits

2. Apply for a loan product

How to use the K Bank app

– Loan switching (credit loan/minus account)

– Credit loan plus (interest rate as low as 4.24 per year)

Today, I posted about the interest rate cut for K Bank’s credit loan products for medium and low credit borrowers.

It seems like a good product that can ease the interest burden during high interest periods by drastically reducing the loan interest rate for medium and low credit borrowers.
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