태아보험 가입시기 How to sign up for fetal insurance correctly CHECK, check comparison site rankings efficiently < People and life < People and life < News < Main article - Ulsan Daily - Ulsan's first and best morning newspaper

태아보험 가입시기So, what prospective parents prepare individually is child fetus insurance, which covers not only congenital deformities and incubator expenses that may occur during childbirth, but also various diseases and injuries that occur after birth.
In addition, you can switch to child insurance after birth to prepare for various risks that occur during the growing period, and you can also be guaranteed damages such as kidnapping, kidnapping, school violence, and bullying. also good
First of all, when you sign up for fetal insurance, you need to check when you sign up. This is because the coverage you can receive may be limited depending on when you sign up. In principle, sign up within 22 weeks right after conception. Of course, you can sign up even after 22 weeks, but you cannot sign up for special contracts for congenital diseases of the fetus, so it is better to prepare and sign up in advance within that period.
In addition, you should choose the coverage period of Fetal Insurance Direct carefully. In the case of maturity of 100 years, insurance premiums can be somewhat burdensome, but after signing up, children can be guaranteed for life without worry. On the other hand, insurance premiums for a 30-year-old maturity are relatively cheap, and you can pass it on to your children later and prepare it as an adult insurance to increase the guaranteed amount.
In addition, since accidents of children occur without notice, you should choose a product that pays out insurance money quickly and is easy to claim, and some products offer discounts on insurance premiums when enrolling with two or more children, so it is good to carefully investigate and use them.
Lastly, fetal insurance is divided into life insurance and non-life insurance products. Life insurance provides good coverage for severe illnesses, while non-life insurance covers a wide range of actual expenses for fetal insurance, so it is good to prepare for various situations. Therefore, it is advantageous to subscribe to the products of two insurance companies at the same time, but if insurance premiums are burdensome, it is better to prepare products from non-life insurance companies first.
Of course, since each company has differences in insurance premiums and coverage, Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Good and Good, Lotte Dodam Dodam Children’s Insurance, KB Hope Plus, Hanwha Insurance No. 1 Mother’s Smart Child Insurance, DB Insurance I Love Health Insurance, Meritz Fetal Insurance If you use the fetal insurance ranking comparison system, which handles major fetal insurance recommended products such as My Heart for Children’s Insurance, to identify the subscription ranking and pros and cons before subscribing, it will be of great help to children and families.

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