갱년기 유산균 yt1 추천 및 효능,부작용 Menopausal lactobacillus yt1 recommendation and efficacy, side effects

Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 Efficacy Side Effects
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Today, we will talk about the side effects of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 and the review of my own money. Strictly speaking, this is what my mother bought. Honestly, at first, I thought it might have been a trick, but after looking closely, it seems to be better than I thought, so I’m going to introduce it.

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Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 Efficacy

The price of menopausal lactobacillus YT1 that my mother bought is 197,000 won. Please note that it is based on a 3-month supply and was purchased from home shopping.


As my mother entered her 50s, she complained of several menopausal symptoms. She became hot and sweaty all the time, and became irritable and angry over trivial things.


He couldn’t digest it well and said that he had sore spots here and there, so he wanted to do something for him, but he didn’t prefer to go to the hospital and get treatment.


Still, this product is very trustworthy because it takes care of not only intestinal health, but also bone health, antioxidants, and energy metabolism and generation all at once.


1. Intestinal health
As we age, digestive function declines, and intestinal health also deteriorates. Even for my mother, the symptoms of constipation were worse than before, and it was very difficult to go to the bathroom.


The product arrived today, so I haven’t tried it properly yet, but after looking for reviews on the internet, it seems to be working, which puts my mind at ease.


Menopausal lactobacillus YT1 benefits include improving constipation, so I like the fact that I don’t have to take other lactobacilli together.


The official name of this product is Lactobacillus Acidophilus YT1. It’s hard to remember the name because it’s too long, so I think I just need to remember YT1.


I have a feeling that it will be a little more effective because it delivers live lactic acid bacteria as it is.


2. Relieve menopausal symptoms


If you take YT1 lactobacillus regularly, you can expect results that relieve menopausal symptoms such as facial flushing, numbness in hands and feet, palpitations, nervousness, headache, depression, fatigue, hallucinations of ants, muscle joint pain, vaginal dryness and discharge.


In 2018, as a result of a 12-week experiment with menopausal women at the National Cancer Center and Konkuk University Hospital, it was confirmed that the menopausal status index of the group that consumed YT1 was improved compared to the group that did not.


In addition to helping to proliferate lactic acid bacteria and suppress harmful bacteria, it can alleviate menopausal symptoms by activating the estrogen receptor, a female hormone. I’m relieved that it’s not an extreme way to upload.


3. Relieve osteoporosis
Menopausal lactobacillus YT1 efficacy also relieves osteoporosis. Anyway, my mother came today for a health checkup, and she was judged to be at risk for osteoporosis on the pelvic side in a bone density test.


She says she hasn’t been severe yet, but she doesn’t need medication right away and she’s been advised to take calcium and vitamin D supplements if she has them at home, she says. Fortunately for her, YT1 contains vitamin D, which is necessary for calcium and phosphorus to be absorbed and utilized, which can help reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis.



4. Prevention of vascular disease
Some studies have found that increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut can help reduce bad cholesterol levels. The higher the cholesterol level in the blood, the higher the risk of getting various cardiovascular diseases.


If you take menopausal lactobacillus YT1, you can also take care of cholesterol, so it will help prevent vascular disease.


5. Improve vaginal health
Vaginal health is a very important factor even though it may not seem like a big deal. If you wear clothes that do not breathe properly, you will quickly get vaginitis, and it is very annoying and painful to see secretions on your underwear.


In addition, itching due to inflammation also significantly reduces quality of life. Menopausal probiotics YT1 benefits include reducing the risk of vaginitis and yeast infections, so there is no need to take vaginal probiotics separately.


Menopausal Lactobacillus YT1 Side Effects
Lactobacillus – inside

1. Allergic reaction
People who do not match the constitution may experience allergic reactions such as swelling, itching, hives, and difficulty breathing, so be careful.


If you have an allergic reaction when taking other drugs or foods, we recommend that you make a decision after consulting with your doctor. If these symptoms appear after already ingesting it, stop taking it immediately and go to the hospital.


2. Digestive problems
Excessive intake of any lactic acid bacteria can cause digestive problems. In particular, people with lactose intolerance may experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, or abdominal distension, so be careful.


In addition, if you are taking other drugs such as immunosuppressive drugs, you should consult with a specialist because they can cause problems, and problems can appear during pregnancy or breastfeeding, so sufficient consultation is necessary.


How to take menopausal lactobacillus YT1

How to consume is very simple. You only need to take one capsule per day. As someone who has often taken nutritional supplements, it was most annoying to share them several times a day. It is also good to eat.


Don’t worry if you take just one tablet a day, you’ll still get the recommended amount. It is hygienic and easy to carry because it is individually wrapped rather than in a barrel.


Today, we learned about menopausal lactobacillus YT1 efficacy, side effects, and how to take it. It is said that menopause comes to everyone when they get older, but for those who are experiencing it, the quality of life rapidly declines and it is unbearably painful.


Someday I will get old and go through menopause, so I hope there are many products that help like this.