경동도시가스 고객센터 및 전화번호 Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center and Phone Number

Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center Information

경동도시가스 고객센터

경동도시가스 고객센터

Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center Phone Number
Main phone number: 1577-8181
Emergency gas accident registration/reporting (free): 080-9900-119

operating time

Weekday consultation hours: 08:00 – 19:00
Saturday/Holiday consultation hours: 08:00 – 18:00
Sunday: Closed

ARS usage guide
Gas accident/gas leak: 8 times
Inquiry regarding moving: No. 2
Fee-related inquiries: No. 3
ARS meter reading registration: 4
Boiler/Construction Company Inquiry: No. 5
Agent connection: 0

Gyeongdong City Gas rate inquiry and rate calculation method

How to check rates
You can check the rate to be paid by selecting ‘Rate Inquiry’ on the Kyungdong City Gas website.
You need to log in to check rates, and you can search using your customer number.
You can check your customer number by looking at the top number located in the upper right corner of the front of the bill.

How to calculate the fee
There are two calculation methods: calculating by usage and calculating charges by meter instructions.
VAT and late fees are applied to the calculation results, and automatic calculation is also possible.

The above has provided information on the ‘Ulsan Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center’ and guidance on how to check rates and calculate rates. Please refer to the customer center contact information and operating hours, and use the rate inquiry and calculation methods for convenient use.

information item


Gyeongdong City Gas Customer Center Phone Number


Emergency gas accident registration/reporting phone number

080-9900-119 (free)

Customer Center Operating Hours

Weekdays: 08:0019:00, Saturdays/Public Holidays: 08:0018:00, Closed on Sundays

ARS usage guide

Provides guidance and contact numbers for various inquiries

How to check rates

Search by customer number through the website

How to calculate the fee

Calculate your bill using usage or meter instructions