고용유지지원금 ‘Employment Maintenance Support Fund’ for business owners concerned about business closure

고용유지지원금If it becomes inevitable, the boss does not fire the employee, but maintains the employee’s employment by adjusting working hours or taking a leave of absence, etc., the government
This is a subsidy that alleviates the management burden of the boss by providing a portion of the employee’s temporary leave and leave allowance.

​📌​What are the criteria for closure/leave?​​​✅​Closed: When total working hours are reduced by more than 20% compared to the standard period✅​Leave of absence: When employees are granted leave of absence for more than 1 month

A closure does not necessarily mean that the store will be closed.
Reducing working hours also constitutes a suspension of business. When comparing the total working hours of the standard period and the total working hours of a month during a suspension, the total working hours of a month during a suspension exceed 20% of the total working hours of the standard period, resulting in a reduction in working hours. If so, it is considered a suspension of business. *Reference period: From the month in which employment maintenance measures are implemented.
From 6 months ago to 4 months ago
Example) When employment maintenance measures were taken in April 2022
The base period is from October 2021 to December 2021.
Many business owners have a method for calculating down time.
It’s difficult. 5 employees, 8 hours a day,
Let’s take the example of a store that works five days a week and submits an employment maintenance plan in March 2022 and will be closed from April.

In the case of paid leave, employees must be on leave for at least one month to be eligible for subsidies.

​​​​✅Government support for up to 2/3 of business closure and leave allowances

In the case of a store with 5 or more employees, an allowance must be paid in case of closure or leave of absence. The allowance can be 100% of the regular wage paid regularly or 70% of the average wage, whichever is less. You can receive 2/3 as employment maintenance support. However, each employee can receive up to 66,000 won per day. In the case of a store with less than 5 employees, there is no obligation to pay allowances to employees even if they are closed or on leave. If you pay suspension or leave allowances, your boss can receive employment maintenance support.


​✅Online: Employment Insurance website (direct link)

To receive employment maintenance support

I am creating a sales comparison table.
The employment maintenance subsidy received last year
Should I include it in sales?
A. You do not need to include it. Comprehensive income tax calculation The employment maintenance subsidy is counted as income, but when filling out the sales comparison table to apply for the subsidy, the subsidy is not included in sales.
Q2. I was closed last month.
I was unable to apply for employment maintenance support.
Is it possible to apply retroactively now?
It is not applied retroactively. You must submit an employment maintenance action plan at least one day before the suspension or leave is implemented. Q3. While receiving employment maintenance support funds
Is it illegal if an employee works normally?
This will result in illegal benefits. You must not suspend or lay off work as planned and fire employees during the period of temporary suspension or leave. If you do not suspend work or leave as planned, you can submit a revised plan. In the case of illegal benefits, it is 2 to 5 times the amount of illegal benefits. An additional amount may be collected.Q4. Even if you take unpaid leave or leave
Can I receive a subsidy? Unpaid leave and leave are provided to employees at government expense without any expense from the boss.
Because suspension and leave allowances are paid, the submission documents and review process are difficult. Sales in the base month are 30% or more compared to the same month of the previous year, the average of the previous three months, and the monthly average of the previous year.
It must be reduced, and in addition to the conditions of paid leave of absence explained earlier, it is necessary to have paid leave of absence for at least 3 months within one year. The boss did not unilaterally decide on unpaid leave of absence, but the employee agreed to it and unpaid leave ·The worker will start working again after the leave period ends
You must prove it. After applying for unpaid leave/leave employment maintenance support, you will be notified of the results of the review after being reviewed by a separate review committee.

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