공동구매 항공권 예매방법(feat. 모두투어, 하나투어) How to reserve group tickets (feat. Mode Tour, Hana Tour)

Today, we will compare each site to see how you can buy cheap tickets using group tickets (missing tickets) when traveling to Japan.

Let’s select Osaka, one of the popular travel destinations, and search multiple sites on the same day to compare prices.

공동구매 항공권


공동구매 항공권


Missed airline tickets, Group purchase airline ticket price comparison
Comparison of prices for missed flights and group-purchased tickets

1. Modetour group purchase airline tickets

If you search for Modetour Japan group purchase, you will see Modetour group purchase airline tickets listed at the top.

Mode tour group purchase in the search box Japan
Search for group purchase airline tickets in Japan

It is divided into sections such as Southeast Asia, Guam, Japan, and the Americas. Please click on Japan. Then a page like this will appear.

Results for Japan


Go to Modetour Japan Group Purchase Airline Tickets


Wow, the prices in Fukuoka from Busan are really good. I click to proceed with the reservation…

error message
error message
A screen will appear telling you that you have accessed the computer using an abnormal or incorrect path and asking you to go to the main page.

Let’s go to the main page and search for the same conditions. The cheapest price was Busa-Fukuoka Jeju Air on 12/20-22.

Modetour main page
Modetour main page
I clicked on the flight on the main page and entered the same date and conditions… boom!

Search results on the main screen
Results of searching for the same conditions on the main screen

The price was more expensive than 100,000 won. I searched other tables several times and found similar results. I’ve only seen similar prices once when searching on the main screen. In this case, if you buy a ticket, you will be getting something.

Since the tickets are purchased as a group, the prices and remaining tickets seem to be constantly changing, and there are very few cases where you can buy a ticket at the low price initially offered. Now, let’s compare prices with other sites.


2. Interpark waste ticket

If you search for group purchase tickets in the search box, Interpark group purchase tickets or missed tickets will appear. When you go to that site, Interpark connects you to a last-minute ticket, not a group purchase.

There was no ticket to Japan in the missed ticket list, so I searched for the same conditions as a regular ticket on the main page.

Interpark Tour main screen
Search by air on the main homepage like this.
What was the result?

It is found to be 30,000-40,000 won cheaper than Modetour air tickets. This time, I will try to search for another missed flight ticket.


Go to Interpark Disposal Flight Ticket


3. Auction missed flights

Auction canceled flight tickets
Likewise, you can see higher prices than Interpark Airlines.


4. Kayak flight ticket

KAYAK Flight Ticket Website
It is cheaper than Modetour, but Interpark flight tickets are also cheaper by about 20,000 won.

Go to KAYAK Air Specials

5. Skyscanner

It is a site that searches and compares low-cost airlines around the world in real time. When I searched on the same day, the ticket was still about 50,000 won more expensive than the Interpark ticket.

Go to Skyscanner Flight Specials



According to the search, Japan Mode Tour group purchase flight tickets are the cheapest. (However, since there are rarely actual tables of prices, it may be useless…)

When traveling to Japan, I was able to find the cheapest airline tickets on Interpark flight tickets compared to other sites.

You can also find cheap airline tickets in real time on the Kayak and Skyscanner websites. Be sure to search and compare.