교통법규 위반 범칙금 A speeding fine notice came in – What the people are saying about policy | news | Korea Policy Briefing

교통법규 위반 범칙금In his wife’s hand returning from an outing, she holds a yellow postal envelope filled with an ominous feeling. I can guess that it is a postal mail with a slightly strong feeling. As expected, it is a ‘preliminary notice of the imposition of a fine’.
There is an elementary school in front of the house, so the speed limit has already been reduced to 30 km/h for a long time, but since it is downhill, even with a little acceleration, the speed goes well over 30 km.

A fine of 40,000 won is issued if the speeding violation is committed within 20 km. However, if the fine is paid in advance within 35 days after the fine is issued, the penalty is reduced by 20% and only 32,000 won is paid. His wife scolds him, saying, “He works hard to show his patriotism by paying extra taxes that he doesn’t have to pay.”
From April 17th, the safety speed 5030 was fully implemented nationwide. General roads in urban areas across the country are limited to 50 km/h, and back roads such as residential areas and child protection areas are limited to 30 km/h. This policy reflects the government’s will to create a safe pedestrian environment that puts pedestrians first.

If the speed limit is exceeded by 20 km or less, a fine of 30,000 won (fine 40,000 won) is imposed, and if the speed limit is exceeded 20 to 40 km, a fine of 60,000 won and 15 penalty points (fine 70,000 won) are imposed. There is no room for excuses as it is a policy that has already been continuously promoted with a two-year grace period by amending the Enforcement Rules of the Road Traffic Act on April 17, 2019, two years ago. Except for the promise to keep the safe speed properly.
It is important not to speed in a child protection area, but you must also drive defensively. Children have a narrow field of vision and cannot see far. Sometimes it pops out suddenly between vehicles. In the children’s protection zone, you must drive slowly while looking left and right as well as driving less than 30 km.

There is also a yellow carpet zone on the crosswalk near the school. This is an area where children can safely wait for the walking signal. The purpose is to prevent traffic accidents by making it more visible to drivers.

For the safety of children, fines and fines for parking violations in child protection zones have also been tripled compared to general roads. While the fine for parking violations on general roads is 40,000 won, the child protection zone has risen from 80,000 won to 120,000 won.

There are so many signs in the children’s protection area that it’s confusing. There is an electronic display board that detects the vehicle’s speed sensor, so you can know the speed of your car. Traffic lights and traffic light poles are also painted yellow, making them much more conspicuous than regular traffic lights.
The floor has also been improved with dark red non-slip pavement, and the word Children’s Protection Zone is written in large letters. It has been over-improved to the extent that it is impossible not to be careful, so drivers just need to pay a little more attention to safe driving.

If you received a fine bill of 40,000 won for exceeding the speed of 20 km or less, you can only pay 30,000 won. You can go to a nearby police box, pay a driver’s license and a penalty notice, and ask for a penalty. A fine is a tax imposed on a vehicle without knowing who drove it, but a fine is a tax imposed on an individual while the driver has been identified, so only 30,000 won can be paid.
Rather, if you pay in advance within 35 days, you will receive a 20% reduction and only pay 32,000 won. It is best to pay as soon as possible if there is a violation because there is no record of the fine and you can pay a small fine.
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교통법규 위반 범칙금
