국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법 National Health Insurance refund inquiry method (+ application method)

국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법This time, we will look at how to inquire and apply for a refund from the National Health Insurance. A notification popped up on Naver’s electronic document, so I checked and a message from the National Health Insurance Service called ‘Guidance on application for refund of deductible’ came out. I wanted something like this, so I clicked it and it said that a refund had occurred and that I was asked to get it back.

Not long ago in April, there was a health insurance fee settlement, so hundreds of thousands of won were deducted from my salary. Now, a month later, it was strange that the refund was returned again.

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There are several types of refunds from the National Health Insurance.

When we go to the hospital or pharmacy and pay for medical treatment or medicine, the deductible we have to pay is calculated. The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) examines the medical expenses charged by hospitals or pharmacies, and returns the excessively paid self-pay to the public if they receive more than the co-payment by mistake or receive more medical care benefit cost by deceit or unfair method. This is your deductible refund.

There is also a co-payment ceiling system, which prevents the burden on households due to excessive medical expenses. says

There is also an insurance premium refund that is returned to the public if the health insurance premium is doubled or paid more due to a mistake, etc. In addition, there is a refund for other collections, a refund for the advance payment limit cancellation for premium arrears, and a subsidy for the difference in part of the drug cost.

First of all, I got a notification from Naver’s electronic document and learned that a refund had occurred, and I was able to check the refund amount. Check out Naver’s electronic documents, too. There may be a notice to apply for a refund from the National Health Insurance Corporation.

National Health Insurance-Refund-Information-Naver-Electronic document

Call the National Health Insurance Corporation customer center at 1577-1000. You can receive refund inquiry and payment application guidance through a counselor connection.

You can apply for a refund by faxing to the National Health Insurance Corporation fax number at 02)3275-8666 or by filling out the payment application form and mailing it to the National Health Insurance Corporation.

Please download and fill out the application documents to be sent by fax or mail from the form data room posted on the website of the corporation below.

National Health Insurance Corporation-Form Data Center-Refund Application Form

Direct link to download refund payment application form

You can access the website of the National Health Insurance Service and follow the steps below to view refunds and apply for payment.

National Health Insurance-Refund-Apply-Click

If you do not have a PC or are inconvenient, you can also inquire and apply for refunds with your smartphone. Please follow the order below.

Learn more about how to inquire and apply for refunds from the National Health Insurance. I was a little relieved to hear that there is a procedure for self-examination and refund in case of overpayment of health insurance premiums we paid.

However, please note that the National Health Insurance refund will expire if you do not apply for and receive it within 3 years, so you must apply and receive it within the deadline. If a refund account is registered with the National Health Insurance Service, it is said that the refund is automatically paid even if there is no application, but it seems safe to take care of it yourself.
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국민건강보험 환급금 조회방법

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