국민건강보험 환급금 National Health Insurance refund

Apply before the paid national health insurance fund expires

Health insurance premiums, which are automatically deducted every month, take up a fairly large portion of your monthly salary. Recently, health insurance premiums have risen, so the small salary just feels less. But did you know that you can get a refund for your national health insurance premiums?
You can simply apply online and get a refund, but according to the Act of Extinction, if you do not apply within 3 years from the date you paid your insurance premium, your right to get a refund will expire. Please make sure to apply for a refund from the National Health Insurance and exercise your legitimate rights.

국민건강보험 환급금

2. Subject to refund
National Health Insurance refund refers to refund of the amount incurred due to mistaken or double payment of insurance premiums, loss of eligibility, reduction adjustment, etc. If you or a family member have been to a hospital in the past year, you are likely to be eligible for a refund from the National Health Insurance. The National Health Insurance Corporation refunds a certain amount to patients for excessive medical expenses through the co-payment ceiling system**. There were many times when I was saddened to see that people around me spend large and small expenses for hospital expenses, but unfortunately missed them due to lack of information or because the application period was over. As of last year, it was said that they were able to receive a large national health insurance refund of an average of 1.3 million won per person, so please take a good look at the details below and apply. 국민건강보험 환급금

**What is the co-payment ceiling? 좋은뉴스
This is a system that provides a refund to the individual or his or her dependents if the total amount that the individual can bear for the year exceeds the maximum amount of individual income. In other words, the National Health Insurance Corporation checks and returns the portion of the amount that you paid for your medical expenses last year that exceeded the upper limit of your income.

National Health Insurance refund inquiry
National Health Insurance refund inquiry
Excluded from National Health Insurance Refund
However, all the medical expenses I paid last year are not eligible for refund from the National Health Insurance Fund.
Non-insured medical expenses, implants, hospitalization fees in tertiary wards, double or triple rooms, oriental medical treatment, MRI


3. Health Insurance Refund Payment Date
Please refer to the previous post.


Health Insurance Refund Date

Those who have applied after receiving the National Health Insurance refund notice, may be wondering when they can get their insurance refund back. So, let me tell you when the refund requested to the National Health Insurance Corporation will be confirmed and paid.


4. How to apply
1) Individuals with local subscribers can inquire and apply for refunds from national health insurance through the Internet, smartphone app (M Health Insurance), and customer center (1577-1000).
[Go to Internet Application]

Go to National Health Insurance Official Website

2) Business places such as individual representatives and corporations can inquire about refunds from national health insurance on the Internet or at the customer center, and then submit the application form and required documents to the competent branch office.
[Go to Internet Application]

Social Insurance Integrated Collection Portal

In addition, inquiries on refunds from the National Health Insurance can be made by mail, fax, or phone, and required documents may be required. For other inquiries, please contact the customer center (1577-1000) or your local branch.