내용증명 작성방법 및 양식 다운로드 How to fill out the certification form and download the form

You may experience being caught up in a legal dispute at least once in your life. At this time, each party verbally expresses their intentions and sets out their demands. However, when a lawsuit begins, if the other party does not provide proof of content that no such agreement has ever been reached, If you remain ignorant, you will not be recognized no matter how unfair it is.


내용증명 작성방법

내용증명 작성방법

How to fill out a post office content certification

Therefore, in order to prevent such a situation in advance, the contents are left in accordance with the content certification method. This can be used for both evidence and warning purposes, and even in situations where the statute of limitations is not long, the deadline for submission can be extended by 6 months. It is useful in many ways. Not only that, there are times when you need to send a document written like this, which is when terminating a rental contract. It can prove that mutual communication was clearly communicated 1 to 3 months before expiration, so you can file a lawsuit claiming refund of rent or security deposit. Useful for etc.

As the most sensitive issue in life is related to money, if a related conflict arises, the first thing to prepare for legal action is how to write a proof of contents. First, it can also be used as a means of putting pressure on the debtor by making it more clear what happened between both sides You can use it. There is no standard form, but the sender and recipient must be specific, and you can write the amount and return date without any details and that it was not returned.​

And if the response is not made by the expiration date, you can record that you will take a separate response. Write down the date of implementation and the name, address, and phone number of the sender. The important thing here is that there should be no ambiguous phrases to avoid the possibility of unnecessary disputes. If the matter is not resolved, you can briefly state that you plan to take legal action to take provisional seizure or compulsory execution of the property.

The sender can receive proof of dispatch or apply to view a certified copy within 3 years from the date of sending the document written in accordance with the content certification method. However, please note that the writing on the inside and the envelope must be the same for all three pieces of mail sent. Also, it is essential. Depending on the case, it may be unhelpful or harmful, so you need to judge it carefully.

If you have already sent the document, but the other party refuses to receive it or does not respond, it will not be of much help. Therefore, in a debt relationship, when there is no possibility of the debtor taking action to avoid repayment, it may be advantageous to send it once or twice. Tips vary depending on the situation, so you must judge carefully.

Even if you know it well in theory, there are many people who have difficulty when it comes to actually using it. If you are in such a situation, we recommend that you seek help from a lawyer to resolve the matter. In this way, even though it has no legal effect, it can give a warning or pressure to the other party. Since it can be used as evidence in future lawsuits, please carefully research how to write a proof of contents in advance and use it.