네이버플러스 멤버십 해지 Naver Plus Membership Termination and Benefit Changes

네이버플러스 멤버십 해지If you are using Naver Plus Membership, which is the accumulation of Naver N payment, you can select and watch the content you want for free, such as 49 Naver webtoon cookies and TV, movie, drama, and sports, every month, and you can select new benefits every month and apply for change.
Naver Plus Membership Cancellation Benefit Change

And if you no longer need Naver Plus, let’s look at how to cancel Naver Plus payment.

Naver Plus Membership

Launch the Naver app.
Go to Settings in the upper right corner and check Naver Plus Membership.

Currently, 49 Naver Series cookies are in use, and you can change them out of 6 by making a reservation for content change next month.

You can also change the current member of NAVER Membership Plus from another user.

If you no longer need Naver Plus membership, go to Settings -> Naver Plus Membership Management.
Then you can check the current membership available period and amount.
In addition, when using NAVER Hyundai Card, up to 10% can be accumulated and NAVER Plus membership can be used for free.

Canceling Naver Plus Membership

You can withdraw from your membership by canceling your Naver Plus membership.
After checking the current membership points received and canceling the payment, if there is a payment in progress, the points will be cancelled, so cancel the payment after checking.
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