농협 체크카드 잔액조회 How to check the balance of your Nonghyup check card

Check your Nonghyup check card balance inquiry right away
Nowadays, there is a generation that can do all the tasks such as creating an account with a bank application, changing money, checking the balance, etc. with one application, but it seems that the elderly are still having a hard time adapting to this. My mother and father also used phone banking to transfer money or check the balance without using the app. When I asked the reason, he said that the letters in the application were hard to see and it was inconvenient to use, but my heart was a little salty.
Two ways to check the balance of the Nonghyup check card right away
So, this time, I would like to briefly summarize the two methods of inquiring the balance on the Nonghyup check card. The first is how to check the balance using a computer, and the second is how to check the balance through the mobile phone ARS service. To check the balance on a computer, you need to connect to Internet Banking. You can search for [Nonghyup Internet Banking] and connect as shown below.


농협 체크카드 잔액조회
Connect to Internet Banking
When you access the Internet Banking official website, you will see the following. If you click [Inquiry] in the upper category, sub-categories are displayed. If you click [Search All Accounts] in [Account Inquiry] among the sub-categories, you can inquire the balance of all accounts in Nonghyup Bank.
Login required
In order to view all accounts, you need to log in with a public certificate. Log in with the certificate you created when you created the account. Please refer to the smart login because the (old) authentication certificate disappears and there is a smart login that allows you to log in easily. Then, if you log in, you will be able to view your accounts and balances in your Nonghyup account. 농협 체크카드 잔액조회 
Using ARS service
The second method is to check the balance using the ARS service. For Nonghyup Bank, you can use ARS service through [1661-3000] or [1522-3000]. By the way, there is another number that can be consulted exclusively for the elderly, and it is said that you can get counseling through [1433-17].
Leveraging ARS Codes
If you contact the ARS customer center, you can use the service according to the code provided. As a service for people with low vision, you can check the balance through number 123, and by default, you can check the balance through number 211. There is information about the ARS service code below, so you can use it. If you are confused, first call [1661-3000] or [1522-3000] and proceed slowly.
Completed Nonghyup check card balance inquiry 이베이스매뉴얼
This time, I looked into two methods on how to check the balance of the Nonghyup check card you have. Those who find it difficult to check on a mobile phone should naturally check it on a computer or cell phone, but I tried to make it as simple and clear as possible. I hope this is a helpful article. So I hope you all have a nice day.