다이소 재고 확인 Daiso stock check Conveniently search at home and go

다이소 재고 확인If you know this method, you can now check stock at home without wasting your time.
Please download the app through Shop Daiso search.


If you have installed the app, search for the item you want at the top of the main screen.

Daiso-Search Inventory

I randomly searched for a cradle among vehicle supplies. Select an item you like from among them and click ‘Search stores available for purchase’ in the middle as shown in the picture below. After allowing your current location, you can check if there is an item in a nearby Daiso store.

Daiso-store search

how are you?? You can simply install the app, search for Daiso stock you want in your house, and go, so you don’t have to go to waste and it’s a very convenient way. In the future, if there is something you want like this, please search for it and visit us.

※ If you additionally register as a member and register a store you visit frequently, you can check the stock quantity when searching for products, so please refer to it.

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