당근마켓 PC버전 Carrot Market PC Version

Although the number of single-person households is increasing, there is a disadvantage that it costs a lot of money because you have to buy things for the first time when you live alone.

In this case, it is wise to buy used products sold by the general public at a low price and use them rather than buying new products at the shopping mall.

It’s not that they’re in bad condition just because they’re used, it’s that most of them have changed their minds after buying them, or there are a lot of things that aren’t used well after they’ve been bought.

Therefore, it seems that there are more people using second-hand trading sites than you think because if you sell well, you can buy new products at a low price.

However, even if it is sold at a low price, it can cost a lot for shipping for heavy items. 당근마켓 PC버전

Representative second-hand trading platforms include Naver Cafe’s Joongongara and Google Play Store, such as Carrot Market and Lightning Market.

당근마켓 PC버전

In the past, Naver Cafe’s secondhand country was popular, but recently, according to the results of the app interest survey, the carrot used site is more popular. 좋은뉴스

However, if you view the carrot market in the mobile version, older people may have a small screen, so there may be restrictions on trading products.

However, if you use the PC version, you can view products on a larger screen and communicate smoothly with sellers and buyers.

Although the PC version has not been officially released, you can use the carrot market on a computer by accessing the www.daangn.com site.

After accessing the site, click the carrot chat beta in the upper right corner and a ​QR code will appear, scan it using your phone camera.

Then, the address will appear on the camera. If you click on this, you will be connected to the QR code verification window. If you click Confirm Authentication within 1 minute, the authentication is completed.

Then, if you go back to the carrot market homepage, you can check that you are logged in and continue chatting in the app.

To find a product, go back and enter the name of the town or product you want to trade in the search bar.