대성에너지 고객센터 및 전화번호 Daesung Energy customer center and phone number

Daegu City Gas Customer Center Phone Number (Daesung Energy)

대성에너지 고객센터

대성에너지 고객센터

Let’s learn about the Daegu City Gas Customer Center phone number. There are different companies that manage city gas in each region, but in Daegu, Daesung Energy manages it.

For all city gas-related inquiries in the Daegu area, please contact Daesung Energy Customer Center.

I will check the Daegu City Gas Customer Center phone number.

Daegu City Gas Customer Center Phone Number
Daegu City Gas Customer Center phone number is 1577-1190. For inquiries related to moving, connecting gas appliances, demolition, fee inquiry and payment, issuance of documents, gas leaks and odors, emergency reporting, etc., please contact Daesung Energy Customer Center.

Daegu City Gas Customer Center
[Image source: Daesung Energy website]

Daesung Energy Customer Center Phone Number: 1577-1190
Daesung Energy Customer Center Business Hours: Weekdays 9:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m.
– Lunch time: 12:00~13:00 / Closed on Sundays
The local service centers of Daesung Energy, which manages Daegu city gas, are divided into districts and dongs, but the local service center phone number is not operated separately, so please call the main number for inquiries.

If you would like to check the location of the service center where you currently reside, please refer to the service center information menu on the Daesung Energy website.

Daesung Energy Service Center Phone Number
Application for Daegu city gas transfer/exit
Applications for Daegu City Gas transfer can be made through the customer center, official website, or KakaoTalk. If you have difficulty connecting to the customer center, you can easily use it by applying for KakaoTalk.

Daegu City Gas Customer Center
[Image source: Daesung Energy website]

If you add ‘Daesung Energy’ as a friend on KakaoTalk, you can use it to apply for a move-in/out [moving] reservation, check/pay bills, self-meter reading, and apply for a KakaoTalk bill.

Those who have difficulty using KakaoTalk can register as a member on the Daesung Energy website and complete the move-in/out report.

KakaoTalk Daesung Energy ▶️ How to use Daesung Smart Talk
Daesung Energy website ▶️ Daesung Energy official website
Daesung Energy Customer Center ▶️ 1577-1190
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I pay the fee when moving out?

When moving out, a prior reservation system is implemented, so you can contact the customer center directly 3 days before moving out to schedule a reservation date. Fee settlement and payment can be processed on site.

Please check with the customer center for further details.
2. What are the payment methods for gas bills?

Fees can be paid in a variety of ways, including automatic bank/card transfer, Giro, online card payment, ARS card payment, and customer-only deposit account.

Please check with the customer center for further details.
3. How do I receive a bill via KakaoTalk, mobile, or email?

KakaoTalk invoice: Daesung Energy website, customer center
Email invoice: Apply after registering as a member of the Cyber Customer Center or through the Customer Center
Mobile, Kakao Pay, Shinhan Play invoice: Application available through each app

Please check with the customer center for further details.
We have organized the Daegu City Gas Customer Center phone number. If you have any questions regarding city gas, please contact our customer center for detailed advice.