대환대출 온라인 플랫폼According to the Financial Services Commission on the 16th, since the refinancing loan platform was launched on May 31st, credit loan assets worth 234.6 billion won were transferred in 5 business days until the 7th. Compared to the cumulative transfer amount of 180.6 billion won on the last 5 days, this is a 30% increase in two days. The number of transfers also increased by nearly 2,000 from a cumulative 6787 on the 5th to 8936 on the 7th.
It is known that some commercial banks, such as Woori Bank and Hana Bank, exhausted their monthly new handling limit of 33.3 billion won on the 5th, four business days after the launch of the refinancing loan platform.
Previously, the financial authorities had set annual and monthly new handling limits for banks, savings banks, card companies, and capital companies that participated in the refinancing loan infrastructure. However, as demand for repayment from many borrowers rushed from the beginning of the launch, the financial authorities decided to temporarily ease the limits on handling by financial companies.
After the operation of the refinancing loan infrastructure, financial consumers’ loan transfers are actively taking place, but the problem is that this phenomenon is limited to the banking sector, that is, the first financial sector. In fact, of the 1819 refinancing loans (approximately KRW 47.4 billion) made on the 31st of last month, the first day of the refinancing loan platform service, more than 90% of loan transfers between banks accounted for.
There are 18 savings banks participating in the refinancing loan platform. Considering that there are a total of 79 savings banks in Korea, only 23% of them participate in refinancing loan platforms in the savings bank industry.
In the case of the card industry, seven credit card companies participate in the refinancing loan platform, so the participation rate in the industry itself is high, but there are only two card companies that have entered loan comparison platforms such as Kakao Pay, Naver Pay, and Toss, Shinhan Card and KB Kookmin Card. The rest of the credit card companies provide exchange loan services only through their applications (apps).
Since savings banks and credit card companies are lukewarm about refinancing loan services, middle and low credit customers, who are the main customers of the secondary financial sector, are inevitably less accessible than those with high credit who go to banks.
A savings bank official said, “In order to attract customers from the refinancing loan platform, we must eventually compete for interest rates.” However, savings banks are in a state of deterioration in both profitability and soundness, so they cannot afford to engage in interest rate competition to attract customers with money transfers.”
An official from the card industry said, “The effects of the rapid increase in the base interest rate last year and the increase in procurement costs are still continuing, so the soundness and profitability indicators of card companies are not good.” It’s an atmosphere of judgment,” he explained.