맹장염 자가진단 Appendicitis self-diagnosis

Occasionally, when the right or left lower abdomen hurts, there is a concern that it may be appendicitis. So, I often go online to check how to self-diagnose appendicitis or what the initial symptoms are. I tried to sort it out to see if it was more appendicitis.

Appendicitis self-diagnosis
What is Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is an inflammation that occurs in the 10 cm appendix located in the area leading from the distal end of the small intestine to the large intestine.

At the beginning of the large intestine, the swollen sac is the cecum, and the appendix is a bug-shaped tube attached to the end of the cecum. If this appendix becomes blocked, it becomes inflamed. This inflammation is called appendicitis, also called appendicitis. 맹장염 자가진단

맹장염 자가진단

What Causes Appendicitis? 좋은뉴스

Appendicitis is caused by obstruction of the appendix due to hardened feces, parasites, foreign objects, inflammation in the intestine or around the appendix.

If the appendix is blocked, problems occur in the peristaltic movement of the intestines, which were normally moving, and intestinal bacteria proliferate. When this happens, toxic substances are secreted into the intestine, which damages the mucous membrane inside the appendix and causes an ulcer.

Appendicitis self-diagnosis
What are the early symptoms of appendicitis?
In the early stages of appendicitis, symptoms such as nausea or vomiting may occur. Then, gradually, the pain in the upper abdomen and the pit of the stomach appears.

Loss of appetite or a feeling of bloating and bloating, as if ingested, and as time passes, the pain moves from the abdominal pain to the right lower abdomen.

Appendicitis causes abdominal pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, and even after having a bowel movement, you may want to see it again, or vague discomfort in the upper part of the pubic bone.


How to self-diagnose appendicitis
Appendicitis can cause sequelae if left untreated, so if it does occur, appendectomy should be performed immediately.

When you feel sick to your stomach and are worried about whether this is appendicitis or not, press your right lower abdomen gently with your fingertips and remove it.

Appendicitis is due to pain in the right lower abdomen below the navel as time goes by.

And if the pain decreases when you bend your right knee and the pain gets worse when you straighten your knee again, it is said that there is a high possibility of appendicitis.

Appendicitis self-diagnosis
appendicitis treatment

If left untreated in its early stages, appendicitis can cause complications as the appendix bursts in the stomach. It is said that surgery should be performed within 3 days of the onset of appendicitis symptoms to prevent these complications.

If appendicitis is suspected, it is best to visit the hospital immediately and receive treatment after receiving a diagnosis from a doctor.

With the development of medical technology, appendicitis surgery can be performed as a laparoscopic surgery in which only a small hole is made in the navel to reduce scarring, pain, and bleeding.


Learn how to self-diagnose appendicitis and learn about early symptoms.

If you feel any discomfort differently than usual, it is most important to visit the hospital and listen to the doctor’s opinion.