미래에셋생명 고객센터 및 전화번호 Mirae Asset Life Insurance Customer Center and Phone Number

Mirae Asset Life Insurance is one of Korea’s representative insurance companies. People sign up for insurance products in advance to lessen their financial burden in case of an emergency. Mirae Asset Life Insurance also sells a variety of products, including health insurance, cancer insurance, pension insurance, savings insurance, and whole life insurance. If you have any questions about the insurance company’s products, you can contact the call center for consultation. We will inform you of the Mirae Asset Life Insurance Customer Center phone number and operating hours, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and regional branch location information.

미래에셋생명 고객센터

미래에셋생명 고객센터

Mirae Asset Life Insurance Customer Center phone number and operating hours

If you have any questions or inconveniences regarding subscription to, use of, or compensation for various insurance products sold by Mirae Asset, you can contact the call center below to receive detailed consultation.


[Mirae Asset Life Insurance Customer Center Phone Number and Operating Hours]

1. Customer center phone number

– Main phone number: 1588-0220

(When calling from overseas: 82-2-1588-0220)

– For loan consultation inquiries: 1670-4750


2. Customer center operating hours

– Counselor connection time: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00 (Closed on weekends and public holidays)


3. Chat consultation (Weekdays 09:00 ~ 17:30)

In addition to phone counseling, we also provide KakaoTalk chat counseling service. After accessing the site link below, click the ‘Chat Consultation’ button.

Go to Mirae Asset Life Insurance website customer center menu

Mirae Asset Life Insurance Customer Center Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The Mirae Asset Life Insurance website customer center has a ‘Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)’ menu. This page is a good compilation of frequently asked questions and answers to them. It is categorized by category such as insurance, loans, funds, trusts, etc., making it convenient to find what you need. Because people often have similar questions, it can be very helpful to check the FAQ first before attempting a phone consultation. You can access the site link below and directly enter keywords or select a category.

Go to Mirae Asset Life Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Mirae Asset Life Insurance – Customer Center – Frequently Asked Questions – FAQ
Mirae Asset Life Insurance branch location information by region

On the Mirae Asset Life Insurance website, there is a ‘Find Customer Service Center’ menu. Most consultations and insurance work can be done online, but some customers prefer to go to the counter in person, and depending on the business, there are cases where you need to visit the counter and submit documents. If you access the site link below, you can check the list of customer plazas and digital lounges, addresses, phone numbers, and directions (map). For your reference, Digital Lounge is a non-face-to-face service that allows you to handle insurance business through video calls with counselors.