법원 경매물건보기 View Court Auctions

법원 경매물건보기How to view court auction items can be found in the court auction information operated by the courts of the Republic of Korea.

Court Auction Item View Search Result Confirmation Method (Procedure Step 7)
View Court Auctions

View Court Auction Items

Court auctions can be viewed on the Court Auction Information website (courtauction.go.kr).

You can check not only real estate, but also various auction information such as cars.
A lot of real estate auctions come up.
Real estate auctions are divided into two procedures: forced auctions and random auctions.
Compulsory Auction Procedure

Court, car auction site, bidding method, procedure, precautions review
View Court Auction Items

Auction items can be checked through item detailed search, map search, or search by date.
You can easily search by region to see which properties are listed by region.
Like this, Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju, Ulsan, Jeju, Gangwon-do, Sokcho, Changwon, Gimhae, Cheongju, Cheonan, Jinju, Wonju, Andong Yeosu, Yeongwol, Pohang, etc. this is possible.

Supreme Court My Case Search Site (number search, auction case search method)
View Court Auction Items

You can also check the auction items on the map.
In the case of a real estate auction, it is necessary to check the exact location, so it is most important to check it on the map and then check it after actually visiting.

Search for the competent court (based on each case, how to apply for change)
View Court Auction Items

If you click on the auction item you are looking for, detailed auction information will appear like this.
You can check the appraised value, minimum selling price, and whether the bidding method is due date bidding.

The sale date, address, and related photos are also detailed.

View Court Auction Items

You can also look up appraisals.
It is also a good idea to investigate whether it is worth participating in an auction through more detailed information and analysis with an appraisal.

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Rice Garden Auction View Items

You can also check the contents of the car auction on the court auction homepage.
When you search for car auctions, you will see a list of cars that are currently being auctioned.
View Court Auction Items

I clicked on the case number.

Vehicle information such as mileage, year, maintenance status, valid inspection period, navigation, audio, air conditioner, transmission, inspection service, alarm indicator, etc. are written in detail.
In addition, insurance details and car accident details in the used car accident history information report issued by the Insurance Development Institute can be checked transparently.

Above, we have summarized how to view court auction items.
Supreme Court My Case Search Simple check
Supreme Court My Case Search Simple check
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