보건증 인터넷 발급 및 발급병원 찾기 Issuing health certificates online and finding issuing hospitals

In Korea, according to laws related to the food and entertainment sectors, workers in the food and entertainment industries are required to visit a public health center according to the health examination items, conduct a test, and receive a report.

보건증 인터넷 발급

보건증 인터넷 발급

How to issue health certificate online
In the past, you had to go to a public health center and get tested and then visit the public health center a few days later to be issued a health certificate, but these days, it is said that it is possible to issue a health certificate after visiting a public health center and confirming it conveniently through the Internet.


So, let’s check how to issue and re-issue health certificates online.

1. Visit a public health center and conduct a test

First, visit the nearest public health center. All you have to do is prepare your ID card and the 3,000 won health certificate issuance fee, visit the facility, fill out a health examination report (health certificate), and take the test.

When you visit a public health center, three tests are performed: a pulmonary tuberculosis test, an infectious skin disease test, and a typhoid fever test.

Issuance of a health certificate is said to take an average of 4 to 5 days.

You can usually pick it up by visiting a public health center again, but you can get it right away by simply printing it out online.

2. Issuance of health certificate online

How to issue health certificate online
First, access the public health portal site.

How to issue health certificate online
When you enter the public health portal, there is a certificate issuance icon at the top of the homepage.

Click the Certificate Issuance icon.

When you click, the Onrangni certificate issuance system page will appear. Through the online certificate issuance system, you can receive a health certificate (health examination result), health certificate (Korean, English), employment physical examination, vaccination certificate (Korean, English), and medical fee payment certificate all at once.

Issuance of health certificate online
To verify your identity, first enter your name and resident registration number using a public certificate or mobile phone to verify your identity.


If you do not check whether or not your browser pop-up is blocked before verifying your identity, you may need to do so again, so check in advance.

Issuance of health certificate online
Once you verify your identity, you will be able to go to the above public health center and receive a health certificate (health examination result). Just click Get Issued and print it.

Issuance of health certificate online
If you click Get Issued, you can check your health certificate in advance and print it.

Issuance of health certificate online
Before printing, check whether the printer can issue and then print the health certificate.

How to reissue a health certificate

The health certificate can be reissued at any time online, but the validity period is one year from the date of examination, so reissuance is not possible after that.

Please visit the public health center. It is said that an additional fee of 300 won will be charged for re-issuance.

We learned about how to issue and reissue health certificates online.