소상공인 재도전 특별자금Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Yeom Jae-in | The government is making a last-minute effort to attract the Busan Expo ahead of the decision on the venue for the 2030 World Expo (Expo) on the 28th. President Yoon Seok-yeol visits France…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Shin Young-wook | LG Electronics is accelerating its efforts to strengthen its cybersecurity capabilities, which are considered key in various industries such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, Internet of Things (IoT), and mobility…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Kwon Young-hyeon | Four additional locations in Seoul, including Guro-dong, Seokgwan-dong, Mangu 3-dong, and Muk 2-dong, were additionally selected as ‘Moa Town’ destinations. On the 24th, the Seoul Metropolitan Government held the ‘2023 4th Moa Town Target Site Selection Committee…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Ahn Gwang-seok | Sejong University (President Bae Deok-hyo) Institute for International Education announced on the 25th that it held a Kimchi Sharing Event of Love on the 16th. This event was held with foreign students from various countries…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Ahn Gwang-seok | Sejong University (President Bae Deok-hyo), along with the Sejong University Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation (Director Yoo Sang-ho) and Sejong Research Institute (Chairman Kim Gyeong-won) held the Sejong Institute of Science and Technology ‘G2…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Kim Jong-hyuk | The fifth original play by the theater company Three Kong will be on stage at Play the Theater for just one week from December 12th to December 20th. On the surface, the play is a success…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Kim Jong-hyuk | The play, co-hosted by the National Theater and the performance production company Park Company, has revealed the actors’ enthusiastic practice site ahead of its opening on December 19. It depicts human life…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Han Cheol-hee | On the 25th, Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi-do held the ‘Million Hwaseong Festival, where imagination becomes reality, and 1 Million Hwaseong Future Vision Declaration Ceremony’ at Dongtan Lake Park. Despite the cold weather that day…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Han Cheol-hee | At 6 p.m. on the 24th, the ‘1st Osan City Christmas Market’ opened with the lighting of the large Christmas tree and Luce Vista. The motto ‘You are my gift’…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Shin Seung-yeop | Sampyo Group announced on the 23rd that in celebration of its 57th anniversary, it will hold a two-week ‘Blue Week with Sampyo’ to promote coexistence with the local community and support the underprivileged. Blue Week is a group…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Ahn Gwang-seok | Hanwha Corporation conducted a family volunteer activity by donating voice talents to children who have difficulty reading due to visual impairment, multiculturalism, lack of connection, etc. Hanwha Construction, Global, and Momentum divisions…
Maeil Ilbo = Contribution | 1-ton trucks are the absolute best in the domestic market. 1-ton trucks are an absolutely essential vehicle for self-employed people because they are used for a living. In Korea, compared to other countries…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Kim Hye-na | ▲ Kim Jong-ae passes away, Lee Yun-seong (Wawa Brothers Public Relations Manager)’s mother’s funeral = 4:15 p.m. on the 23rd, Special Room 1, Seongwol Funeral Culture Center, Cheonan City, Funeral at 9 a.m. on the 25th, Jangji Seoho Memorial Park. ☎ 041-588-4444
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Kim Hye-na and Graphic Reporter Seo Hyeong-seon |
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Kim Gyeong-ryeol and graphic reporter Song Mi-yeon |
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Shin Young-wook | Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Jae-yong’s first trial on charges of unfair merger and accounting fraud between Samsung C&T and Cheil Industries, which lasted for over three years, is scheduled to conclude in January next year, so Samsung’s judicial…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Min Kyung-sik | Chinese e-commerce companies are growing rapidly to the point where they threaten the domestic online ecosystem. ‘Aliexpress’, ‘Temu’, etc. are using ultra-low prices as a weapon to end the era of high prices…
Maeil Ilbo = Reporter Shin Seung-yeop | The Small Business Market Promotion Corporation announced on the 4th that it has expanded the scope of support for the ‘Re-challenge Special Fund’, a policy fund.
The special re-challenge fund was established in April to promote the re-start of small business owners who have difficulty obtaining loans from private banks and the management stability of small business owners who faithfully repay their debt after debt adjustment. Up to 70 million won will be supported for 5 years (2-year deferral, 3-year repayment) at a fixed interest rate of 3% per year.
With this reorganization, the scope of recognition for re-starting small business owners and faithful borrowers through debt adjustment has been expanded. More small business owners will be able to receive policy funding support.
Among the types of re-startups, the support target for the ‘early stage’ was expanded, and the industry standard was relaxed from small business owners with less than 3 years of experience in re-starting businesses to small business owners with less than 7 years of experience. The sales performance criteria for closed companies were also revised, and cases where business resumed or changed industries after closure were also included as eligible for support.
This type of debt adjustment also recognizes small business owners who have faithfully repaid the Credit Recovery Committee as eligible for support. In addition to patients who have made faithful repayments six or more times after debt adjustment, small business owners who have completed faithful repayments within the past three years are also eligible for support.
Applications and applications for September’s special re-challenge fund will be held online at the Small Business Policy Fund website until 6 p.m. on the 8th. Details can be found in the website announcement.
Park Seong-hyo, chairman of the Small Business Corporation, said, “The special re-start fund is a fund for the re-start of small business owners who faithfully carry out debt restructuring.” “I’m looking forward to it,” he said.