소액결제 미납 해결방법 총정리 Summary of micropayment non-payment solutions

Today, I will write an article about how to solve micropayment nonpayment. Micropayment is a service provided by smartphone carriers, and different limits are set depending on the carrier or credit rating.

소액결제 미납 해결방법

소액결제 미납 해결방법


Resolving micropayment nonpayment with a hot method these days


Smartphones are indispensable in modern society.

It has become an indispensable commodity.

As the smartphone market grows,

The dependence on smartphones has also increased.



Age group using a smartphone

Whereas in the past, the younger generation

It is now extended to all age groups.

Looking at it, much more than we thought

A lot of it is with smartphones.

know the facts.



Big and small impact on almost every life

The harmful smartphone is also in the form of consumption

It’s making a big impact.

any goods or services in the past

Card or cash to purchase

On the other hand, the reality of the price had to be

Currently, only a smartphone

This is an age where consumption is possible.



the most common of these

Simple purchase method used

It is a smartphone micropayment.



This is done through a payment agency.

Micropayments are the amount of money used over a certain period of time.

Charged by adding to the next month’s communication fee

It’s a system.

SKT, KT, LGU+ Domestic mobile carriers

Any customer can use the service.

Even in some budget phones or filial phones

Simple purchase service according to the situation




Purchasing through a reliable payment agency

separate authentication process

No, consumption is simple

There are advantages.



Just the front digits of your mobile phone number or social security number

Simple purchase is possible and with the development of science and technology,

Biometric authentication such as fingerprint, iris, and face recognition

It is secure enough to be easily purchased through

It is also a safe method.

Internet shopping malls or delivery apps,

Overseas direct purchase sites, music sites, etc.

It is possible to use simple purchase in the online field.

service in some offline spaces




Things to keep in mind while using the service

Unlike credit cards, installment services are not available.

All purchases made over a period of time

Because you have to pay in a lump sum next month

Planned consumption is the most important

How much do you set an upper limit on?

We recommend directions.


It’s also a good idea to set a lower limit.

Especially used by minors with low self-control

In this case, parental guidance is essential.

Suspension of micropayment service; or

Set limits very low if absolutely necessary

It is also one way to prevent excessive fees.




In addition to micropayments, credit and debit cards are usually accepted.

Because it is common to use

Think about all your spending and plan accordingly

What you use is the most important.




As mentioned earlier, the cost of small

Because it is added to the next month’s communication fee and charged

You must be careful not to pay the communication fee.


If the telecommunication fee is unpaid, it is important for the policy

The reason is that the micropayment service will be blocked.

Very likely.




In particular, consumers using LGU+ carriers

Even if the communication fee is unpaid for just one day

Easy purchase service is discontinued

In particular, you should pay more attention to non-payment.




If you use the simple purchase service

Services may be restricted due to policy reasons.

may also occur.

At the moment when simple purchase is needed without prior notice or warning

Because it is notified unilaterally

It is easy to be exposed to embarrassing and cumbersome situations.

A representative cause of micropayment policy

Let me tell you why

1. If you have unpaid telecom bills or past overdue experiences

if there is

2. In case the service is blocked due to the opening of a new mobile phone

3. If the limit is exceeded




Typically, the above three reasons are the cause of the policy.

It can be.

If the telecom bill is unpaid for a long time, the arrears

You may be penalized for being levied

This is an area that requires special attention.




In case 2, phone counseling or telecommunication company application

You can solve it by applying for the service using

The situation can be resolved relatively easily.




In case 3, there is evidence that consumption is unplanned.

Therefore, it is necessary to reexamine consumption patterns again.

there is.

Exceeding the limit is a clear policy reason.

This is the part where you need to be careful not to overdo it.



Even if you pay unpaid bills

Service use may be limited.

After making an appropriate consumption plan

Use this policy to prevent

This is the most important method.




For policy reasons, such as non-payment

If there is a restriction on the service

After calling 114, you will receive information on how to solve the problem.

It is better to receive it, and if the solution is not smooth after consultation,

Try changing agency or try another site

You can also try using it.




There are a few things to keep in mind when using simple purchase.

It is a voice phishing scam disguised as a simple purchase service.

Unknown or suspicious URLs

Be careful not to press it accidentally.




If you access the URL, a hacking virus for an impure purpose

Personal information leaked by infiltrating the mobile phone

You may suffer financial damage

Suspicious links are removed as a precaution.

We recommend that you do not click.


Micropayment service allows consumers to directly set the desired limit.

can be determined and selected only when absolutely necessary

It is clear that it is a convenient means of consumption that can be used, but

Impulsive consumption and reckless use must be

To the extent that the consumer is responsible for

I would like to ask you to use it carefully.




Service that everyone can’t pitch at least once

There may come a time when you need to use it.

To use it smoothly when needed

Establish an appropriate consumption plan to avoid non-payment

Service only as much as you can afford

We recommend that you use it.